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PUBLIC MARKS with tags galerie & web

September 2007

80 AJAX-Solutions For Professional Coding | Developer's Toolbox

by hobbes & 10 others
des scripts en vrac pou plein de choses (galeries d'images, tables sorters, calendars, formulaires, etc)

July 2007

May 2007

Dnevnik eklektika // CSS gallery layout—smells like a table

by hobbes (via)
Setting up a gallery layout is not exactly one of the jobs I am looking forward to doing. I assume you all are using lists by now to lay out thumbnail galleries, right? If so, you already know that those kind of semantic gallery layouts require a lot of CSS code, and not a lot of these layouts are flexible enough – at least for my taste – so I decided to give it a go and I came up with a pretty robust solution that works in all modern browsers and it’s „behavior” resembles a what we could call a „table like behavior”.

Portfolio Web - mes réalisations

by daxlebo
Petit tour d'horizon de mes réalisations récentes en matière de webdesign et d'applications en ligne.

April 2007 - Something about web design » Blog Archive » Image gallery that doesn’t fall apart

by hobbes
If you use some kind of CMS or your own news script, you can the solution explained in this article. I will show you how to create an image gallery that doesn’t falls apart when different sizes of images are loaded and with no images being distorted.

March 2007

Sharpcast » Photos

by nhoizey
An amazingly effortless photos software and service combination that does everything, all by itself. Free desktop photo organizer software that lets you share and receive original images right from your desktop, chat about your photos with friends and create fun group albums without even using a web browser. And, it stays automatically in sync with a free online photos account where you can view, share and manage your albums from anywhere.

February 2007

Dewslider 2.0, le retour des diaporamas en flash - dew's blog

by hobbes & 6 others (via)
Voici une nouvelle version de Dewslider, permettant de réaliser des slideshows d'images en Flash.

January 2007

scott evans :: applejuice

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Applejuice is a free web-based photo gallery. Its user interface is simple and uncluttered, to give your photos center stage. Applejuice galleries can be created directly from Picasa, or by hand.

December 2006

October 2006

September 2006

PicsEngine - Galerie flash en téléchargement - Diffusez vos photos sur le web

by bobmorane & 33 others
PicsEngine est le moyen simple pour créer un album photo sur le web. Son interface est en Flash, ce qui permet un affichage convivial. Le côté administratif a été développé en utilisant AJAX pour plus de facilité d'utilisation. Ce panneau d'administration vous permet de créer rapidement des albums (et sous-albums), de les organiser et ensuite d'envoyer vos photos. Vous pouvez transformer vos photos, créer des miniatures personalisées, les décrire, les nommer et les organiser comme bon vous semble

July 2006™ Awards!

by lilolipop & 1 other
Encore et tout plein de sites selectionnés pour vous!

June 2006

BannerBlog : Where Banners Click

by lilolipop & 8 others, 2 comments
Un blog sur les bannières publicitaires circulant sur le web

May 2006

Lightbox JS

by parmentierf & 91 others (via)
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

March 2006

February 2006

January 2006