Marshall Alexander - Paper Engineer
by blackgoldfish & 4 others"Lonely at work? Print, cut, and fold some friends for your desk."
free stitched fonts
by blackgoldfishNeed a free font that looks handmade? Try Starry Stitch, Xstitch, Knitfont, or Home Sweet Home.
by blackgoldfish準備材料:
1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片(3x5也可以但邊會有點鬆)
2. 下載繪製好的PDF版型
3. 準備一張有硬度的紙,磅數最好超過80磅的卡紙、素描紙,並裁切成A4大小
4. 裝飾用的貼紙(39元商店或者文具店都有賣,對於手工不巧的人可以買這種現成的貼紙作輔助)
5. 透明片(文具行買賽路路片或者利用產品的透明包裝外盒)
1. 美工刀
2. 切割墊
3. 膠水、雙面膠
4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦
Carlos N Molina's paper site
by blackgoldfishThere's a rich source of creative paper project tutorials over at Carlos N Molina's wonderful paper site
paper craft from canon
by blackgoldfishCanon's website has a massive list of printable papercraft projects, including matryoshka dolls, paper airplanes, and basic boxes.
The Seasons
by blackgoldfish"In our The Seasons series of paper craft models we have chosen subjects that express the changing of the year's seasons. Now we offer all the download data from this series in one complete collector's edition. Enjoy this wonderful collection of hand-crafted, Japanese seasonal icons with your family and friends."