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February 2006

Dozy Sycophant: Dave on Ms Armstrong

by mikepower
The question I want answered is: why can’t Blair sack some people — Peter Mandelson, Keith Vaz, Hilary Armstrong? They’re among the foulest turds ever to disgrace the Houses of Parliament, besides being utterly hopeless.

January 2006

Andrew Bartlett: Johan Hari teeters on the ledge of deligitimation

by mikepower
IIn his efforts to smash George Galloway, Johan Hari writes; “he was rejected at the ballot box by 64 percent of the people"...Saint Oona was rejected by 66 percent.

December 2005

Max hastings: Sorry, prime minister, your legacy will be a disastrous foreign war

by mikepower
In his old age it will seem monstrously unfair to him, but Tony Blair will be remembered for one terrible misjudgment

July 2005

Mick Hume: After Stockwell: the threat of fear and defeatism

by mikepower
The response to the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes suggests that we are losing the ability to have a rational debate about terrorism.

Scotsman: Straw backs down on denial of Iraq link

by mikepower
JACK Straw, the Foreign Secretary, yesterday stepped back from his earlier denials that the war on Iraq had nothing to do with the terror attacks in London.

David Rose: Flashy tactics won't defeat the terrorists

by mikepower
Intelligence and policing by consent are the keys to beating the bombers, not a US type 'war on terror'

YouGov Poll: One in four Muslims sympathises with motives of terrorists

by mikepower
Muslims are divided over the morality of the London bombings, over the extent of their loyalty to this country and over how Muslims should respond to recent events. Six per cent insist that the bombings were...fully justified.

Osama Saeed: Back to you, Mr Blair

by mikepower
Western leaders are outraged about London but show no similar anger for other atrocities across the world. What happens abroad matters to British Muslims as much as what happens here.

London bombs: Every Tube passenger is clocked by a dozen pairs of eyeballs

by mikepower
The realisation that the events of July 7 were not an isolated conspiracy has changed the way that we travel on the city’s public transport system, probably for ever.

Livingstone: Normal Service Resumed

by mikepower
Israel’s embassy in London said comments made by London Mayor Ken Livingstone critical of Israel are “miserable and unnecessary.”

Measured and reasoned response to Livingstone's comments:

by mikepower
'He always hated Jews and Israelis, he is a lackey of the Muslim agenda in this country."

ZNet Media Alert: The London Bombings :

by mikepower
United In Violence by David Edwards

Independent: Official report 'linked terror risk to Iraq'

by mikepower
A British intelligence document warned weeks before the 7 July bombings that events in Iraq were fuelling "terrorist related activity in the UK" , according to leaks published today.

Guardian: Peter Preston: There is no such thing as community

by mikepower
The thought that, after a heavy night of jawboning with Charles Clarke, Islam UK can issue a fatwa against suicide bombing and see it observed is simple foolishness.

Irshad Manji is Osama’s worst nightmare

by mikepower
The underlying problem with Islam, observes Manji, is that far from spiritualising Arabia, it has been infected with the reactionary prejudices of the Middle East: “Colonialism is not the preserve of people with pink skin.

Kenan Malik: Multiculturalism has fanned the flames of Islamic extremism

by mikepower
That old racist notion of identity has thankfully crumbled. But nothing new has come to replace it. The very notion of creating common values has been abandoned except at a most minimal level. Britishness has come to be defined simply as a toleration of d

New Statesman: Ziauddin Sardar: The best way to fight the Kharjite tradition is with the humanistic and rationalist traditions of Islam

by mikepower
The terrorists are using Islamic sources to justify their actions. How can one then say it has nothing to do with Islam?

Dawn (Pakistan) - Opinion: For London, a whiff of the war By Mahir Ali

by mikepower
London is indeed one of the world’s most multicultural capitals, but the attack would have been just as reprehensible had the city been predominantly, or even exclusively, Anglo-Saxon. Condemnation of the deed must be unconditional. But it is important

The Low-Odds Factor: Anne Applebaum

by mikepower
By now we've all had that feeling. You're waiting in a crowded underground station, about to step onto a train. Suddenly you think: What if it happened here?

Lionel Shriver: So you won't give in to terrorists, Mr Blair? Really?

by mikepower
After living 12 years in Belfast, I couldn't help but listen to Tony Blair's clarion defiance after London's transport bombings with a sour squint.

BBC NEWS | UK | Day's developments: At a glance

by mikepower
Latest news updated by the minute at the BBC London terror attacks

by mikepower
A round-up of reaction from around the world

Guardian: Five homes searched by anti-terror police

by mikepower
Anti-terror police investigating the London tube and bus bombings today raided five houses in West Yorkshire.

Public Opinion: Muslim diaspora

by mikepower
Behind the media flows you can find the neocon military drum beat: we have to do everything it takes to crush the terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe and elsewhere. We have to deter or remove regimes that co-operate with terrorists.

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last mark : 22/02/2006 22:31