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PUBLIC MARKS with tags fromDel & t

09 October 2005

Sounding old themes on Iraq - International Herald Tribune

by mikepower
We've lost track of the number of times President George W. Bush has told Americans to ignore their own eyes and ears and pretend everything is going just fine in Iraq.

Imagine a World Without Copyright

by mikepower
The privatization of an ever-increasing share of our cultural expressions... is slowly but surely taking away from us our democratic right to freedom of cultural and artistic exchange.

07 October 2005

BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace

by mikepower
President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State

04 October 2005

George Monbiot: The police abuse terror laws to penalise dissent

by mikepower
No act has been passed over the past 20 years with the aim of preventing antisocial behaviour, disorderly conduct, trespass, harassment and terrorism that has not also been deployed to criminalise a peaceful public engagement in politics.

02 October 2005

New York Times' Friedman proposes "endgame" bloodbath in Iraq

by mikepower
Since well before the US invaded Iraq, Thomas Friedman, the New York Times’ chief foreign affairs commentator, has been the most enthusiastic proponent of US imperialism’s neo-colonial conquest of the country.

29 September 2005

Sinister Events in a Cynical War

by mikepower
Until the British army is withdrawn from where it has no right to be, and those responsible for this monumental act of terrorism are indicted by the International Criminal Court, Britain is shamed.

The coup that wasn't

by mikepower
Scott Ritter, reveals how the CIA plotted to use a UN weapons inspection to overthrow the Iraqi regime - and how fiasco turned to tragedy when it failed

24 September 2005

Where does terrorism start?

by mikepower
Medieval Europe strove to dissociate the achievements of Islamic civilisation from the Islamic religion, today's West insists on referring all Muslims' ills, from democratic failure to economic decadence, to the Islamic religion.

The 'myth' of Iraq's foreign fighters

by mikepower
Report by US think tank says only '4 to 10' percent of insurgents are foreigners.

23 September 2005

Spiked - Trevor Phillips: ghetto blaster?

by mikepower
The chair of the Commission for Racial Equality might worry about racial segregation in Britain's cities, but his proposed solutions will only push people further apart.

22 September 2005

Murdoch's indiscretion reveals a Labour prime minister whose every instinct is at odds with the party he leads

by mikepower
What does it say about Blair that his prime reaction to seeing the images of despair and suffering from New Orleans was not to wonder about the state of modern America but to rage against the BBC?

20 September 2005

Pity the poor children left to Blairs care

by mikepower
When people come to look back on the legacy of new Labour they will feel a deep indignation that, for some reason, is expressed at the moment only by very few.

Are we sleepwalking our way to apartheid?

by mikepower
Not only do ethnic minorities largely live in separate areas, they are typically segregated at school and socially — and it is getting worse.

Race chief warns of ghetto crisis

by mikepower
The fact is we are a society which, almost without noticing it, is becoming more divided by race and religion. We are becoming more unequal by ethnicity

17 September 2005

The St. Patrick's Four Return to Trial

by mikepower
This will be the first federal conspiracy trial arising out of civil resistance to the invasion of Iraq. It will also be the first federal conspiracy trial of anti-war protesters since Viet Nam.

16 September 2005

Polly Toynbee: Must we wait a generation for democracy...?

by mikepower
When it comes to the debate at Labour's conference on "reconnecting with the people", the platform will be taken by two unelected peers (Amos and Falconer) and one of the less popular cabinet ministers, Geoff Hoon. Hardly likely to reignite democracy.

Ignorance and Abdication That Amounts to Madness: John Berger

by mikepower
Is it possible that this administration is mad? Let us try to define the variant of madness, for it may be that it has never occurred before. Madness implies a severe disconnection with reality, or, to put it more precisely, with the existent.

15 September 2005

Cenk Uygur: Did We Let Osama Get Away on Purpose? The Huffington Post

by mikepower
If people inside the administration actually held back from capturing Osama bin Laden when we had him cornered, it borders on treason. This leads to the next set of questions. Who ordered Brigadier General Mattis to stand down and not send his 4,000 troop

Katrina: The Politics of Incompetence and Decline Immanuel Wallerstein

by mikepower
When El Salvador has to offer troops to help restore order in New Orleans because U.S. troops were so scarce and so slow in arriving, Iran cannot be quaking in its boots about a possible U.S. invasion.

13 September 2005

Death in Bobur Square

by mikepower
In a remarkable dispatch, Ed Vulliamy pieces together for the first time the full story of the Uzbek massacre that the world forgot

09 September 2005

When government fails: The Economist

by mikepower
ONLY those with a special pass, and under armed guard, can now go to the centre of New Orleans. The city, officials will tell you, is far more dangerous than is generally believed.

06 September 2005

Why the American dream is one of the biggest lies

by mikepower
Muriel Gray argues that the lessons of hurricane Katrina and its terrible aftermath are not about disaster management but about exposing the falsehoods at the very heart of modern America - Eric Margolis - U.S. the new Saddam

by mikepower
The U.S. Air Force's senior officer, Gen. John Jumper, stated U.S. warplanes would remain in Iraq to fight resistance forces and protect the American-installed regime "more or less indefinitely." Jumper's bombshell went largely unnoticed due to Hurricane

05 September 2005

Iraq in America: A must read by Tom Engelhardt

by mikepower
In the end, this country remains in a powerful state of denial on two major matters which help explain why the elevation of George Bush and his cronies was no mistake.

The State and the Flood

by mikepower
What we are seeing in New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast region is the most egregious example of government failure in the United States since September 11, 2001.

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