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18 April 2005

Jonathan Freedland: Reviled as outsiders

by mikepower
"This is so wrong. We should be on the same side."

Jewish MP pelted with eggs at war memorial

by mikepower
The sheer ignorance never mind the lack of respect is shocking. They have no idea where their freedom came from and who gave it to them.

14 April 2005

Centenarian takes computer course

by mikepower
At the age of 100 most people would think about winding down rather than downloading - but not Sidney Platt

12 April 2005

Ian Rutledge in the Financial Times:

by mikepower
US appears to have fought war for oil and lost it

11 April 2005

Speech by Cindy Sheehan made at Riverside Church -- where Martin Luther King gave his "Beloved Community" speech

by mikepower
Our country has been overtaken by murderous thugs....gangsters who lust after fortunes and power; never caring that their addictions are at the expense of our loved ones, and the blood of innocent people near and far.

07 April 2005

John Derbyshire on Pope John Paul II - The Rearguard Pope

by mikepower
The quarter century of his papacy was a terrible disaster for the Roman Catholic Church.

Cannabis compound benefits blood vessels - Low dose helps combat formation of arterial blockages.

by mikepower
A compound derived from the cannabis plant protects blood vessels from dangerous clogging, a study of mice has shown. The discovery could lead to new drugs to ward off heart disease and stroke

Life lessons

by mikepower
What is the one thing everyone should learn about science? Spiked asked 250 scientists - here we bring you some of the most provocative responses

Lecturers may boycott Israeli academics

by mikepower
Israeli academics who refuse to condemn their government's actions in the occupied territories risk a boycott by the UK's leading lecturers' union.

An American fatwa: Media irresponsibility could place Michael Schiavo’s life in danger for many years to come

by mikepower
If there was an emblematic moment in the religious right’s crusade against Michael Schiavo, it might be said to have taken place on March 21.

28 March 2005

As war stretches on, recruiters scramble

by mikepower
Last month, the US Army missed its monthly recruiting target for the first time since 2000. The Army National Guard and Reserve haven't reached their monthly targets since October.

27 March 2005

A military tribunal determined last fall that Murat Kurnaz, a German national seized in Pakistan in 2001, was a member of al Qaeda and an enemy combatant whom the government could detain indefinitely at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

by mikepower
The three military officers on the panel, whose identities are kept secret, said in papers filed in federal court that they reached their conclusion based largely on classified evidence that was too sensitive to release to the public.

25 March 2005

14 Wild Ideas: Five Of Which Are True!

by mikepower & 1 other
Many Worlds, Medicine Useless, A.I. via Common Sense, Cryonics, Uploads, I'm in Sim, Fast Growth, Growth Stops, Colonize Galaxy, No Aliens, Aliens Came & Left, Private Law, Futarchy, No One Honest.

24 March 2005

Dead Iraqis; Why an Estimate was Ignored, The Lancet Study Why an Estimate was Ignored

by mikepower
To the extent it was covered at all, the reports were short and usually buried far from the front pages of major newspapers. The results of the study could have played an important role in future policy decisions, but the press’s near total silence all

22 March 2005

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots: Democratic Underground

by mikepower
Yet another list from DU. Well they're spoilt for choice aren't they?

21 March 2005

Kevin Myers: Shall we end child-slavery in Britain?

by mikepower
Unless ruthless action is taken, the country which crushed the slave trade in the 19th century could become its European capital in the 21st.

18 March 2005

Dick Taverne: A little pesticide does you good but 'organic' farming harms the world

by mikepower
Our health is threatened not by chemicals and GM crops but by the eco-fundamentalists and their crusade against intensive agriculture

Kevin Meyers: At last the light is shone on the IRA

by mikepower
No event in Northern Ireland in recent years has distilled the abominable and corrupted reality of life under the peace process as the murder of Robert McCartney. Half beaten to death, one eye gouged out, his throat cut, and then gutted like a fish...

11 March 2005

Making learning uncool: The establishment disses education as much as hip-hop ‘playas’.

by mikepower
It wasn't Jay-Z who grabbed headlines by declaring that 'learning history is a bit dodgy'. That was the former education secretary, Charles Clarke.

A revolution made for TV

by mikepower
Tuesday, half a million people demonstrating in the streets of Beirut, chanting and waving flags. You probably assumed that they were protesting against the Syrian presence in Lebanon. In fact it was a rally organised by Hezbollah in support of Syria

05 March 2005

How to Fall in Love in Three Minutes or Less

by mikepower
If you subscribe to the "instant gratification takes too long" school of thought, researchers have good news on the romance front: You can fall in love in three minutes -- or less. It seems that the heart wants what the heart wants -- and it can figure

04 March 2005

It wasn't me, it was my mind

by mikepower
The law distinguishes between madness and badness but, asks Steve Rose, why should that absolve criminals of responsibility for their actions?

03 March 2005

The Seattle Times: Health: U.S. suicides outpace homicides

by mikepower
Suicides outnumber homicides in the United States, and about 90 percent of people who kill themselves have a diagnosable and preventable problem such as depression, a top mental-health official said yesterday.

28 February 2005

Johann Hari: Don't let the Livingstone row blind us to the real and growing threat of anti-Semitism

by mikepower
It seems that human rights abuses committed by Jews provoke more rage than abuses committed by others

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