public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags freeware & download

13 January 2006

08 January 2006

05 January 2006

Tail XP

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
> Ever wanted to follow a log file, capture debug messages or monitor syslog?

04 January 2006

NetSetMan - Network Settings Manager | Freeware & Professional

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
NetSetMan 2.2 Are you tired of changing your network configuration every day on your notebook or computer? The same procedure every day? On the go : changing..., at home: changing..., at the Internet café: changing..., visiting a friend: changing... Then NetSetMan is your solution. It will do the work for you.

02 January 2006


by andyparasite
progetto che vuole creare una versione windows di apt-get

26 December 2005

Good Keywords: Find the best keywords for your web pages.

by lz00zl & 2 others
Good Keywords is a free Windows software for finding the perfect set of keywords for your web pages. Knowing the right keywords to target is very important because your site should provide what people are searching for.

23 December 2005

Pricelessware - "the best of the best in Freeware"

by cascamorto & 16 others (via)
The Pricelessware List was born as a sort of FAQ for the "what is the best Freeware for (fill-in-the-blank)?" questions that would crop up regularly in the newsgroup (Usenet) alt.comp.freeware. The idea of establishing a list of the best available freeware to serve as a quick reference list was the idea of one of the group's most helpful contributors, Son of Spy. Originally called "The Big List", it contained only 100 programs. Compiled by visitors and regular users of the newsgroup, the focus was on specific programs, not general categories. The term "Pricelessware" was applied to the programs chosen for the list after it was suggested by another regular user of the group, Tiger®.

22 December 2005

Flickr AutoDownloadr

by lz00zl & 7 others (via)
Sharing photos on Flickr is great. (Mine are here.) But I recently became a little frustrated trying to look at someone else's photos on Flickr with a laptop and a TV. There's no way to view the photos online in 'full screen' mode. The Flash slideshow is pitifully small, though it does download photos in the background which is quite neat. So I made this program. you can do a few other things with it: * View photos in sets, groups or the whole Flickr community * Search for photos with specific tags * Browse photos on your computer * Choose from three amazing transition effects * View camera information

Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
Voiçi une Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB 2.0 que vous pourrez organiser à votre guise avec le Lançeur de Programme "PStart.exe". Regardez bien le Dossier "AIO" où vous aurez quelques surprises. Faute de temps,Je n'ai testé que 90% des Programmes. Donc si vous trouvez des programmes qui ne fonctionnent pas, prière de me signaler pour des tests approfondis et corrections. Vous verrez que certains programmes comme "SILENT NIGHT MICRO BURNER 4.0.6 Multilangues" qui ne fait que 1,14 Mo, fait 75% de ce que fait "Nero". Vous pouvez mettre ce "Pack" sur Clé USB 2.0, Disque Externe USB 2.0 ou éventuellement dans un Répertoire de votre Disque Interne.

21 December 2005

Dirk Loss - Windows-Tools on CD-ROM (or USB stick)

by cascamorto (via)
Having created several bootable Windows CD-ROMs with Bart's PE Builder, I thought how nice it would be if I could use some of the plugins on running systems (i.e. without having to reboot). So in spring 2004 I started searching the Internet for useful utilities that can be run directly from CD-ROM.Here's my list. Download the tools.

*** ***

by cascamorto
Vous trouverez ici, je l'espère, les infos et les logiciels néceswares à l'utilisation de Windows! Je m'appelle Gilles Lucato, je suis à Montpellier et je compte vous faire profiter des conseils que je dispense tous les jours aux amis, aux collègues de travail et aux entreprises de la région LR... à travers des sites comme Transferts LR, Clusir LR, Pole TiiM.

by cascamorto & 3 others (via) is a public Open Source and Freeware software development web site, providing free publishing, packaging, hosting, and marketing services to individual developers. The mission of is to enrich the global internet community by providing software developers who lack the time, money or knowledge a centralized place to publish, control and market their creations at no cost. To fulfill this mission goal, we offer a variety of services to projects we host and we only ask that all projects shall be provided freely and without any attachments to the general public.

14 December 2005

12 December 2005

11 December 2005

Safe Freeware Sites

by cascamorto
Quite often answers to topics include references to free software. More often than not the sites where these freeware applications can be downloaded are not given. Being a download junkie, mainly for assessing new applications, I have some favourite sites that I know to be safe.

06 December 2005

29 November 2005


by cascamorto
Suite à l'arrêt du développement du proxomitron (mort de son développeur Sad ), j'ai le plaisir de vous présenter un logiciel qui s'y rapproche grandement : Proximodo

Récupération de données effacées

by cascamorto
Voici deux petits freewares qui vont en sauver beaucoup.

Pando : Send any size file to anyone, free!

by cascamorto & 12 others (via)
Basé sur le protocole biTorrent, Pando est un utilitaire qui permet d'envoyer jusqu'a 1 gigas de fichiers a vos amis. Pando est actuellement en béta mais téléchargeable via le site officiel. Ce petit utilitaire va vous simplifier la vie pour le transfère de vos données. Laisser tomber l'envois de fichiers par MSN et évité la dépression! Mais comment cela marche-t'il me direz-vous? En fait le fichier que vous envoyez est préalablement uploader sur un serveur et c'est ensuite que votre correspondant peut le "recevoir" (télécharger). Les transfères sont cryptés et se font via la port 80 (càd que votre firewall ne bloquera pas le fichier... normalement).


by cascamorto & 14 others (via)
Accès mobile aux contenus d'un disque dur. Orb a créé un nouveau moyen pour chacun d’accéder à ses contenus numériques n’importe quand et n’importe où dans le monde.

AllPeers MediaCenter

by cascamorto & 20 others (via)
AllPeers Transforms Firefox into a Web 2.0 Development Platform

Pluck RSS Reader

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
RSS offers an easy way for you to be alerted when new content appears on your favorite websites and blogs. Just check your Pluck RSS Reader and see all the latest content, all in one place. Choose from our free software downloads for Internet Explorer or Firefox, or sign up for Pluck Web Edition. Pluck is adware-free, spyware-free, and just plain free.