public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags framework & webdev

February 2007 | Plotr

by parmentierf & 3 others
Some time ago I was looking for a charting framework for Prototype and I couldn’t find it, just because there’s none. So that’s where it all started. I came across PlotKit, a well written piece of javascript that enables developers to use Canvas or SVG elements for rendering bar, line and pie charts. The only thing was that PlotKit needed the Mochikit library to work. So I took some parts of PlotKit and wrote some parts myself. The result is a lightweight charting framework (12kb!) named Plotr. It’s released under the BSD license.

ZK - #1 Ajax project in

by parmentierf & 10 others
ZK is an open-source Ajax Web framework that enables rich user interface for Web applications with little programming. With event-driven components and a markup language, developing is as simple as programming desktops and authoring HTML.

January 2007

mootools - home

by parmentierf & 44 others, 2 comments (via)
MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented javascript framework designed to make writing extensible and compatible code easier and faster. MooTools lets you get the job done efficiently and effectively.

Le blog de Breek - Le comparatif de Rails, Django et CakePHP

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
Choisir un framework peut être une tâche difficile ! Pour vous aider dans votre choix, nous avons effectué un benchmark fonctionnel couvrant Django, Ruby on Rails, CakePHP.

The Django Book

by parmentierf & 7 others
Welcome to the online version of The Django Book, a free book about Django.

TurboGears: Front-to-Back Web Development

by parmentierf & 15 others (via)
Create a database-driven, ready-to-extend application in minutes. All with designer friendly templates, easy AJAX on the browser side and on the server side, not a single SQL query in sight with code that is as natural as writing a function.

December 2006

Django Djumpstart: Build a To-do List in 30 Minutes [Server Side Essentials]

by bader & 1 other
Being a web developer isn't always exciting. There are lots of tedious things you end up doing over and over again: writing code to talk to a database, writing code to handle page templating, writing an administrative interface ... Sooner or later you start to wish someone would just come along and wrap up all that repetitive code in nice, integrated, reusable packages, right? Well, today's your lucky day, because someone finally has.

November 2006

October 2006

September 2006

July 2006

May 2006


by sunny & 44 others
"Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design." with Simon Willison in the team !

CakePHP : the rapid development php framework

by sunny & 22 others
Rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC.

April 2006

Code Igniter

by sunny & 20 others
Code Igniter is an Open Source Web Application Framework that makes writing kick-ass PHP programs simple as apple pie

March 2006 - web 2.0 javascript

by sdaclin & 199 others
Bibliothèque JS de script typés AJAX et Web 2.0

February 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag framework

ajax +   alire +   examples +   javascript +   jQuery +   js +   library +   matrix +   moo +   mootools +   ponsfrilus +   resources +   tuto +