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PUBLIC MARKS with tag form

January 2009

A new form element in Drupal core | Heine

by claire_
With Commit #167487, a new form element has been added to Drupal core to provide an alternative means of selecting items. Now, next to 'select' (combobox, list), checkboxes and radios, core carries the 'tableselect' element. This element allows developers to easily create tables with selectable rows. Ideal for those situations where you have to provide a lot of data on the items to the user.


by tbeaumanoir & 3 others
Uni-Form is an attempt to standardize form markup (xhtml) and css, "modularize" it, so even people with only basic knowledge of these technologies can get nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, semantic, accessible and usable forms.


by Spone & 3 others
Uni-Form is an attempt to standardize form markup (xhtml) and css, "modularize" it, so even people with only basic knowledge of these technologies can get nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, semantic, accessible and usable forms.

December 2008


by ms_michel (via)
A simple, strongly-typed, extensible UI framework based on the W3C XForms spec. It provides a base set of form controls that allow updating of any complex model object, even complex nested lists. It uses clean, semantic HTML and a fluent, lamba-based API.

Form Builder |

by claire_
This project allows users to build entire Form API structures through a graphical, AJAX-like interface. It has the ability to read and export FAPI arrays, and users are permitted to change any properties exposed by modules that expose forms to the Form Builder.

November 2008

Preventing Double Form Posts

by ms_michel (via)
Un truc tout simple pour désactiver tous les boutons d'une page une fois qu'un post a été exécuté.

File I/O

by greut, 1 comment

This document describes an interface for an abstract File I/O interface where web applications can interact with a file system, without any prior knowledge about the underlying filesystem. This interface can be used for e.g. an image preview before submitting a form or for saving a drawing from a canvas painting web application locally.

open the web

Create a Photo Admin Site Using PHP and jQuery - NETTUTS

by camel & 2 others (via)
I'm pleased to present you with part one of a two part series on creating a photo site using PHP, jQuery, and AJAX. Originally, I intended to fit the entire tutorial into one screencast, but that quickly became a pipe dream as I realized that there was simply too much to cover. Nevertheless, even if you only watch this first video, you should learn a great deal. We'll be retrieving images from a database, creating a simple login form with authentication, and will then allow for our database to be asynchronously updated. Sounds good? If so, let's get into it.

October 2008

jQuery Form Example Plugin

by delavigne
jQuery Form Example Plugin

ID Selector

by camel & 1 other
ID Selector: Quick Guide It's all about getting users signed into your website as quickly and efficiently as possible. It achieves this by providing a simple, consistent, provider neutral interface, and by educating the user about OpenID during the sign in process. In short, it makes OpenID easier for the end user and benefits both the relying parties and OpenID providers. What is the Selector? It's a widget that you add to the existing OpenID login form on your website. You embed a snippet of javascript code into your page, and it writes in an HTML button tag styled to match your CSS.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag form

editor +   online +   pdf +   tools +   web +   webmaster +