public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags flash & tools

June 2007

FancyUpload |

by simon_bricolo & 9 others
script d'upload de documents sympa et ergonomique

May 2007

April 2007

Upload files using flash and javascript |

by simon_bricolo & 11 others
uploder des fichiers à travers un mélange de flash et de javascript

March 2007

Dewplayer |

by simon_bricolo
A simple flash mp3 player to be included in your page : the DewPlayer.

Zoomify Express

by ycc2106 & 4 others
Zoomifyer EZ makes high-quality images fast and easy to view! It's simple to use, just drag any image onto the Zoomify Converter, then copy the folder it creates to your web site - no special setup is needed. Your site

swfIR: swf Image Replacement |

by simon_bricolo & 25 others
Using JavaScript and Flash, it gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website.

February 2007

formatpixel - online publishing |

by simon_bricolo & 5 others
pplication en flash à la réunion des 2 catégories destinée à la création de book ou brochures ressemblant plus à des magazines de mode que des présentations powerpoint.