public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags flash & photo

12 May 2005

04 May 2005

Flash Photo Browser

by ThomasMary & 10 others (via)
Andrew Berg Design a photo browser in flash to accept a dynamic list of photos and display them. Key features include sequential image loading, transparent UI, and context menu.

Flash Photo Browser

by olarriga & 10 others
Andrew Berg Design a photo browser in flash to accept a dynamic list of photos and display them. Key features include sequential image loading, transparent UI, and context menu.

Flash Photo Browser

by Krome & 10 others (via)
Andrew Berg Design a photo browser in flash to accept a dynamic list of photos and display them. Key features include sequential image loading, transparent UI, and context menu.

Flash Photo Browser

by fox_b & 10 others (via)
Andrew Berg Design a photo browser in flash to accept a dynamic list of photos and display them. Key features include sequential image loading, transparent UI, and context menu.

Flash Photo Browser

by toomone & 10 others (via)
Andrew Berg nous propose une petite appli flash pour diffuser vos photos sur le web

Flash Photo Browser

by alexandre & 10 others (via)
Andrew Berg nous propose une petite appli flash pour diffuser vos photos sur le web

Flash Photo Browser

by camel & 10 others (via)
Andrew Berg nous propose une petite appli flash pour diffuser vos photos sur le web

11 April 2005

Sonja Mueller

by nhoizey & 11 others (via)
Splendide portfolio en flash de la photographe Sonja Mueller -- Lickr: Flickr, without the Flash

by nhoizey & 13 others (via)
Flickr is a popular photo hosting service that uses embedded Flash files as part of their interface. On every page, there will be a little delay while a new Flash file loads. Lickr removes the need for Flash. It runs within the web browser Firefox, stripping the Flash before the user can even see it, and replacing it with an equivalent interface in pure HTML and Javascript.

10 April 2005

Sonja Mueller

by vince & 11 others
Portfolio de la photographe Sonja Mueller -- Lickr: Flickr, without the Flash

by fastclemmy & 13 others
Flickr is a popular photo hosting service that uses embedded Flash files as part of their interface. On every page, there will be a little delay while a new Flash file loads. Lickr removes the need for Flash. It runs within the web browser Firefox, stripping the Flash before the user can even see it, and replacing it with an equivalent interface in pure HTML and Javascript.

08 April 2005

05 April 2005

. BLOG ドツトブログ --- POQUE

by nesta & 3 others
POQUE: ブログから書き出されるXML(RDF)ファイルを読み込み表示する無料で使えるブログパーツ

Grant Robinson online

by nesta & 3 others
Montage-a-googleのあるサイトのトップページ: Blogs / Photography / Projects: Scribble v1.0, Montage-a-google, Cellular Automata, v2, Floral Patterns, Onion-skin prototype,

Flickr Related Tag Browser

by philippej & 80 others
Une belle présentation Flash des résultats d'une recherche dans les tags Flickr.

04 April 2005

03 April 2005

31 March 2005

Carl De Keyzer

by .rico & 12 others
Portoflio du photographe Carl de Keyzer

30 March 2005

21 March 2005

18 March 2005