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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flash & html5

March 2010

Flash contre HTML5 : 3, 2, 1 partez !

by nhoizey
"Le plus économe demeure le couple Safari/HTML5 qui ne consomme que 12 % des ressources processeur. Pour effectuer la même tâche, le duo Safari/Flash s’accapare 37 % du temps processeur"

February 2010

code · Video for Everybody!

by Monique & 11 others
Video for Everybody is simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element, falling back to QuickTime and Flash automatically, without the use of JavaScript or browser-sniffing. It therefore works in RSS readers (no JavaScript), on the iPhone / iPad (don’t support Flash) and on many, many browsers and platforms.

Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus

by Xavier Lacot & 4 others
Pupload is a jQuery implementation of a multi-upload widget. If uses either a Falsh component, html5, Gears, Silverlight or Yahoo BrowserPlus in order to provide a strong and highly reliable multi-upload system.

code · Video for Everybody!

by dzc & 11 others
a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 video element, falling back to QuickTime and Flash automatically, without the use of JavaScript or browser-sniffing. It therefore works in RSS readers (no JavaScript), on the iPhone / iPad (don’t support Flash) and on many, many browsers and platforms.

Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus

by Spone & 4 others
Allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.

December 2009

November 2009

Festival de Cannes

by srcmax

A 2-hours-hacked-HTML5 demo of's Flash Interface

October 2009

camen design · Video for Everybody!

by nhoizey & 11 others
"Video for Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3

Lecteur Flash compatible avec l'API video de HTML 5 -

by nhoizey
"page qui affiche une vidéo avec l'élément video si le navigateur le supporte, sinon un Flash, voire un texte alternatif s'il n'a aucun des deux"

July 2009

May 2009

jd/adobe: Opera CEO quotes on Flash

by tehu
John Dowdell en raccourci : Paraitrait qu'Opera nous a donné le role du bad guy dans la superproduction HTML5 ? Ha ces journalistes... Beaucoup de bruit pour rien. Que les vikings bricolent leur Flash killer, pour qu'on puisse rigoler un peu.

jd/adobe: Building upon untested assumptions

by tehu

John Dowdell en raccourci : Flash a placé la barre tellement haut que forcément ça fait des jaloux. Et ce Ian Hickson, ça serait-y pas un peu l'Antéchrist ?

Plus intéressante est la réaction d'Isofarro (#3), qui ressitue le contexte et l'origine du what-wg.

March 2009

by greut

The Burst Engine is an OpenSource vector animation engine for the HTML5 Canvas Element. Burst provides similar web functionality to Flash and contains a layer based animation system like After Effects. Burst uses a very light-weight JavaScript frame, meaning your animations will download unnoticably quick and can be controlled using very simple JavaScript methods. For example: the [-] logo above is a Burst animation attached to a mouseOver event using the following code...

canvas is the next Flash or not

April 2008

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