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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flash & ajax

November 2006

SWFUpload beta

by fakechris & 14 others
file upload by javascript+flash

Ajax vs Flash

by inrockitrust
Un brillant article qui compare Ajax et Flash... in english please

October 2006

PicsEngine - Galerie flash en téléchargement - Diffusez vos photos sur le web

by gregg & 33 others
PicsEngine est le moyen simple pour créer un album photo sur le web. Son interface est en Flash, ce qui permet un affichage convivial. Le côté administratif a été développé en utilisant AJAX pour plus de facilité d'utilisation. Ce panneau d'administration vous permet de créer rapidement des albums (et sous-albums), de les organiser et ensuite d'envoyer vos photos. Vous pouvez transformer vos photos, créer des miniatures personalisées, les décrire, les nommer et les organiser comme bon vous semble.

GeoCool! - Rasmus' Toys Page

by demental & 2 others
There is of course the fancy new site which is fun, but as far as I am concerned the killer app here is the geocoding platform that drives this. And it is completely accessible for anyone to use. It's also a sane API that anybody can figure out in minutes. Here are a few tips for using this API from PHP 5.

September 2006

OpenLaszlo "Legals" | OpenLaszlo

by mbertier & 1 other
"Legals" is an OpenLaszlo project to provide a single application environment that supports multiple deployment runtimes. OpenLaszlo 3.x supports Flash 7 and 8 now, but Legals will extend that reach to include DHTML as well as Flash 9.

August 2006

SJAX - Synchronous Javascript And XML

by linkside & 1 other
Sjax implementation with macromedia flash plugin version 6-r65. You can connect yourselves to any local server that supports xml and maintain the connection with it.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag flash

animation +   illustration +   mobile +   ScenarioVisualization +   trends +