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PUBLIC MARKS with tag extension

26 January 2010

Extension Blogmarks pour Firefox 3.6

by srcmax & 6 others

Comme à l'habitude, et après des heures de travail:

Merci Julie !!

24 January 2010

Born Geek » Firefox Toolbar Tutorial

by julie & 10 others

This tutorial explains how to create a toolbar extension for the Firefox web browser (specifically for version 1.5 and later). It provides an overview of how extensions are developed, the tools required to create an extension, and details on how toolbars are created. Please note that this tutorial is lengthy; I recommend spending time with it over the course of a few days (it makes for a good weekend read).

22 January 2010

Preferences System - MDC

by julie

This document describes the Aviary Toolkit's new preferences system. Using this system it is possible to create preferences windows that display and operate appropriately on various platforms (Windows, MacOS X and GNOME).

21 January 2010

20 January 2010

17 January 2010

Rikaichan Project

by jpcaruana (via)
Rikaichan is a popup Japanese-to-English/German/French/Russian dictionary add-on for Firefox and Thunderbird.

14 January 2010

13 January 2010

AutoPagerize –

by keusta & 1 other, 2 comments

Ajout pour autopagerizer Blogmarks

[ Blogmarks ]


nextLink: id("pagination")//a[@class="page isnext"]

appendChild: id("content")//div[@class="b"]

pageElement: id("content")//div[@class="b"]

12 January 2010

Updating extensions for Firefox 3.6 - MDC

by julie

This article provides helpful information to extension developers trying to update their extensions to work properly in Firefox 3.6.

05 January 2010

Greasemetal - an Userscript Runtime for Google Chrome

by nhoizey
Greasemetal is a userscript runtime for Google Chrome. The runtime hosts userscripts (tiny javascript files that modify the webpages being displayed) to be executed on Google Chrome, similar to what Greasemonkey does for Mozilla Firefox, or Greasekit does for Safari.

Google Chrome Extensions: Firebug Lite

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Firebug Lite easily integrated into Chrome. Even if I am not a fan of Chrome, because of the omnipotence of Google, I find this tool very useful as a debug facility.

03 January 2010

30 December 2009

Programmer ses enregistrements Free avec FreeRecord pour Firefox

by nhoizey
« FreeRecord est une extension (add-on) pour Firefox >=3.5. Elle fonctionne sur toute plate-forme, Window, Mac OS X et Linux. Elle vous permet, sur la donnée de votre indentifiant et mot de passe de connexion à votre interface de gestion Free, de programmer à distance des enregistrements sur votre FreeboxHD. »

19 December 2009

StartupMaster :: Modules pour Firefox

by srcmax

Asks for the master password at startup (fixes multiple password prompt)

AutoAuth :: Add-ons for Firefox

by srcmax

AutoAuth automatically submits HTTP authentication dialogs when you’ve chosen to have the browser save your login information.

17 December 2009

Tab Control :: Add-ons for Firefox

by nhoizey
"Take control of your tabs! Purposely lightweight extension with the following features: * (Optionally) Position new tabs to the right of the current tab * (Optionally) Switch to the left tab when closing the current tab"


by nhoizey
"when you are a opening a new tab, you might want to open it right next to the current tab"

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