26 January 2010
Extension Blogmarks pour Firefox 3.6
by srcmax & 6 othersComme à l'habitude, et après des heures de travail:
Merci Julie !!
24 January 2010
Born Geek » Firefox Toolbar Tutorial
by julie & 10 othersThis tutorial explains how to create a toolbar extension for the Firefox web browser (specifically for version 1.5 and later). It provides an overview of how extensions are developed, the tools required to create an extension, and details on how toolbars are created. Please note that this tutorial is lengthy; I recommend spending time with it over the course of a few days (it makes for a good weekend read).
22 January 2010
Preferences System - MDC
by julieThis document describes the Aviary Toolkit's new preferences system. Using this system it is possible to create preferences windows that display and operate appropriately on various platforms (Windows, MacOS X and GNOME).
21 January 2010
20 January 2010
17 January 2010
Rikaichan Project
by jpcaruana (via)14 January 2010
13 January 2010
AutoPagerize – Userscripts.org
by keusta & 1 other, 2 commentsAjout pour autopagerizer Blogmarks
[ Blogmarks ]
url: http://blogmarks.net*
nextLink: id("pagination")//a[@class="page isnext"]
appendChild: id("content")//div[@class="b"]
pageElement: id("content")//div[@class="b"]
12 January 2010
Updating extensions for Firefox 3.6 - MDC
by julieThis article provides helpful information to extension developers trying to update their extensions to work properly in Firefox 3.6.
05 January 2010
Greasemetal - an Userscript Runtime for Google Chrome
by nhoizeyGoogle Chrome Extensions: Firebug Lite
by Xavier Lacot & 2 others03 January 2010
30 December 2009
Programmer ses enregistrements Free avec FreeRecord pour Firefox
by nhoizey19 December 2009
StartupMaster :: Modules pour Firefox
by srcmaxAsks for the master password at startup (fixes multiple password prompt)
AutoAuth :: Add-ons for Firefox
by srcmaxAutoAuth automatically submits HTTP authentication dialogs when you’ve chosen to have the browser save your login information.