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PUBLIC MARKS with tags extension & firefox

January 2010

AutoPagerize –

by keusta & 1 other, 2 comments

Ajout pour autopagerizer Blogmarks

[ Blogmarks ]


nextLink: id("pagination")//a[@class="page isnext"]

appendChild: id("content")//div[@class="b"]

pageElement: id("content")//div[@class="b"]

Updating extensions for Firefox 3.6 - MDC

by julie

This article provides helpful information to extension developers trying to update their extensions to work properly in Firefox 3.6.

Greasemetal - an Userscript Runtime for Google Chrome

by nhoizey
Greasemetal is a userscript runtime for Google Chrome. The runtime hosts userscripts (tiny javascript files that modify the webpages being displayed) to be executed on Google Chrome, similar to what Greasemonkey does for Mozilla Firefox, or Greasekit does for Safari.

December 2009

Programmer ses enregistrements Free avec FreeRecord pour Firefox

by nhoizey
« FreeRecord est une extension (add-on) pour Firefox >=3.5. Elle fonctionne sur toute plate-forme, Window, Mac OS X et Linux. Elle vous permet, sur la donnée de votre indentifiant et mot de passe de connexion à votre interface de gestion Free, de programmer à distance des enregistrements sur votre FreeboxHD. »

StartupMaster :: Modules pour Firefox

by srcmax

Asks for the master password at startup (fixes multiple password prompt)

AutoAuth :: Add-ons for Firefox

by srcmax

AutoAuth automatically submits HTTP authentication dialogs when you’ve chosen to have the browser save your login information.

Tab Control :: Add-ons for Firefox

by nhoizey
"Take control of your tabs! Purposely lightweight extension with the following features: * (Optionally) Position new tabs to the right of the current tab * (Optionally) Switch to the left tab when closing the current tab"


by nhoizey
"when you are a opening a new tab, you might want to open it right next to the current tab"

November 2009

mozNetworkPrioritizer :: Add-ons for Firefox

by piouPiouM
This add-on modifies network priorities such that your focused tabs & windows have higher priority.

October 2009

Software is hard | Eventbug (alpha) Released

by srcmax

This extension brings a new Events panel that lists all of the event handlers on the page grouped by event type. The panel also nicely integrates with other Firebug panels and allows to quickly find out, which HTML element is associated with specific event listener or see the Javascript source code.

Oxymoronical » Nightly Tester Tools

by nhoizey & 1 other
"This extension adds a few extras useful to those that regularly test nightly builds of Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird and Toolkit Seamonkey (Suiterunner)."

Perspectives : Firefox Extension

by nhoizey
"an extension to the popular Firefox browser that contacts network notaries whenever your browser connects an HTTPS website"

TAW3 with a click :: Modules pour Firefox

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
TAW3 with a click allows to verify, with just a click, the accessibility of the Web sites that you are visiting, by means of the TAW3 online service ( and making use of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0).