public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag event

May 2006

Un festival qui fait “ Pouet-Pouet ”

by sbrothier
Le cirque et la musique s'invitent le week-end prochain à Saint-Agil et Mondoubleau à l'occasion de la 2e édition du festival “ Pouet-Pouet ”. Au programme : du son, des déambulations, des numéros de cirque, du cabaret, des bals…

80's Soul,Funk Info Web+Studio530

by rikaizm

April 2006

March 2006

((( Les Arcs On the Rocks )))

by sbrothier
après Calvi et ses plages, Uzik se trouve un endroit ou faire du ski, ça c'est de l'organisation : - Welcome

by ycc2106 lets users search for local happenings, create events for friends to attend, and send digital pictures taken with their mobile camera phones – from the Internet or their cell phone. The site works in real-time through a users cell phone, allowing them to capture spontaneous moments, view photos in a slideshow form and then comment and tag.

VB6 Send Email Progress Monitoring

by tagtooga
Progress monitoring while sending email and aborting mail sending.

Forget addEvent, use Yahoo!’s Event Utility

by Hieroglyphe & 5 others (via)
After spending a few hours getting comfortable with Yahoo!’s new Event utility that was recently released along with many other sweet tools via YUIBlog, I became convinced that it is the dopest, sweetest, most tight, most sexiest event utility on the planet.

Forget addEvent, use Yahoo!’s Event Utility

by nhoizey & 5 others (via)
After spending a few hours getting comfortable with Yahoo!’s new Event utility that was recently released along with many other sweet tools via YUIBlog, I became convinced that it is the dopest, sweetest, most tight, most sexiest event utility on the planet.

February 2006

Apple to hold special event on Feb. 28

by cbvivi
“Come see some fun new products from Apple.” 应该就是我边栏events倒计时中的那个事件。


by dcancel & 1 other
The libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached. Home

by metropol & 50 others is a social event calendar, completely driven by people like you. Manage your events, share events with friends and family, and syndicate your calendar to your own site.

January 2006

Martin Parr chez K. Mennour -

by sbrothier
Double expo pour le Britannique Martin Parr (né en 1952), "Think of England" et "Cocktail". Après sa rétrospective de la Mep, voici un panorama thématique du photographe/globe-trotter qu'il fut dans les années 60. On découvre ici, encore et toujours avec plaisir, son kitsch balnéaire et ses pâtisseries acidulées. cf.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag event

code +   github +   web +   webhooks +   work +