13 April 2007
Aquatica Engine
by nachilauAn water rendering engine which used to render photo realistic water surface. It is only $15 for commercial liscense
12 April 2007
Stratagus | Home
by jdrsantosStratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. It includes support for playing over the internet/LAN, or playing a computer opponent. The engine is configurable and can be used to create games with a wide-range of features ...
07 April 2007
05 April 2007
04 April 2007
NetInsert web 2.0 directory - free web url submission
by jdrsantosNetInsert is the first true web 2.0 directory where the users organize the web using tags. You are welcome to add your web site and be a part of the next step in Internet search services (free web url submission).
31 March 2007
by jdrsantosoFusion is a true next-generation WYSWYG toolset for developing game content for the next generation of Ogre powered games.
Neocrome - Website engines
by jdrsantos & 1 otherSeditio is a modular website engine powered by PHP and MySQL.
* Fully skinnable, from HTML4 TO XHTML 1.1
* Pluggable, scalable, fast and stable.
* Advanced built-in message boards.
PhpDig.net - Web Spider and Search Engine
by jdrsantos & 3 othersPhpDig is a web spider and search engine written in PHP, using a MySQL database and flat file support. PhpDig builds a glossary with words found in indexed pages. Search query displays a result page containing the search keys, ranked by occurrence.
30 March 2007
hotbird rus sport tv at Auto Moto Search Engine
by romibehotbird rus sport tv at Auto Moto Search Engine
Il futuro sarà a triciclo?
by webgratuitoSi chiama T3 Motion e sarà il mezzo di trasporto delle forze di polizia per il controllo dei quartieri, in realtà è un mezzo piuttosto strano, ma l’azienda che li produce dice che il T3 potrà rendere un servizio utile alle forze dell’ordine ma anche a tutti i privati cittadini e ne spiega le varie applicazioni, come ad esempio può essere un mezzo per piccoli spostamenti come la spesa di tutti i giorni per gli anziani o persone con problemi motori, può essere impiegato per il controllo delle aree protette, caserme, centri commerciali ecc … in pratica una infinità di utilizzi per piccoli spostamenti, attualmente viene prodotto con due differenti tipologie di batterie al costo di 6.188 dollari per la versione standard fino a 25 km di autonomia e a 7.990 dollari la versione con batterie a lunga percorrenza fino a 120 km, il nostro futuro sarà il triciclo?
28 March 2007
TopRank Media Sponsor Search Engine Strategies NYC
by toprankRanked in the top 1% blogs by Technorati, TopRank Online Marketing Blog is a leading resource for internet marketing resources, news, interviews and how-to articles about natural search optimization, paid search marketing, social media and online public relations.
19 March 2007
Twisted – Trac
by jdrsantos & 4 othersTwisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and licensed under the MIT license.
09 March 2007
Web Search Workshop Australia
by aussearchSearch engine optimisation and marketing specialists, Sydney, Australia
05 March 2007
Google PageRank Explained
by arteworks & 1 other (via)Disperses common myths about displayed toolbar PageRank.
Search Engine Optimization Information
by arteworks (via)Wealth of information and tips on search engine optimization.
The Rising Power of Social Meida Optimization
by arteworks & 1 other (via)Defines key terms in social media and explains how it can be used for search engine optimization purposes.