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PUBLIC MARKS with tag energy

September 2007

Think Solar Energy. Renewable Energy Blog

by incircolo
Think Solar Energy. Renewable Energy and Solar Power. What is going on at the web. Solar power, solar panel, solar system, renewable energy and technology

HelioVolt - Solar Power. From the Ground Up - Home

by springnet
HelioVolt’s FASST™ technology produces high-performance solar thin-film with pioneering time and materials efficiencies. 10 to 100 times faster than current processes. 100 times thinner than traditional silicon.

Technology Review: Making Cheaper Solar Cells

by springnet
Powered by $77 million in new investment, startup Heliovolt, based in Austin, TX, will build a factory next year for mass-producing a new type of solar cell that could, in much of the United States, make solar electricity as cheap as electricity from the

August 2007

google blackle

by jl2k5
Saviez-vous qu'une recherche sur Google consommait autant d'énergie qu'une lampe de 11 Watts allumée pendant 1 heure ? Nous venons d'apprendre que Google a réagi suite à cette prise de conscience; en mettant le fond d'écran de Google en noir (au lieu de blanc), on s'est aperçu que l'on pouvait économiser 750 mega Watt/Heure par an ! Ainsi Google a décidé de mettre en place cette version "noire" :, avec exactement les mêmes fonctions que la version "blanche", mais bien sûr une consommation d'énergie moindre. Aidez-nous à répandre cette information et utilisez dès maintenant cette version. De plus, enregistrez cette page en tant que page d'accueil et vous économiserez encore de l'énergie !

The $40 hidden inside a 12V battery | Wise Bread

by sbrothier
As the video shows, you simply split them open to reveal EIGHT 1.5V button-cell batteries, each one worth around $5. And as these 12V batteries come in pairs that gives you a grand total of 16 new batteries worth around $80. Not bad for an initial investment of $1.66. Kipkay also goes on to split a 9V battery for use in a battery emergency. You could say these hacks are literally "power to the people." (Sorry, couldn't resist).

Zero X: The 100% Electric Dirt Bike (TreeHugger)

by sbrothier
The Zero X is a silent, all-electric dirt bike that runs on lithium-ion batteries instead of gas. The the California-based Zero Motorcycles has started selling these bikes for $6900. Google co-founder Larry Page bought one.

July 2007

Blackle - Energy Saving Search

by sbrothier & 11 others (via)
Powered by Google, Blackle was created on the premise that a black, as opposed to a white, computer screen saves a significant amount of energy. Multiply that by the number of searches conducted a day and we're on to something. We know that not everyone is crazy about the look of a black screen, but part of this sustainable design gig is about examining our perceptions of beauty. Maybe if the bevel and embossed logotype were tweaked just a bit.

AustinCast » Blog Archive » Live Earth rocks world on 7/7/7

by springnet
Live Earth started in Asia with an ancient Aboriginal instrument. Then a holographic image of Al Gore appeared on stage. Then it moved on to London and Madonna. Concerts in Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai kicked off 22 hours of music by more than 150 artists i

Flow batteries

by keulenae
Electricity has many advantages, but a disadvantage that it is impractical to store it in large quantities at reasonable cost. Flow batteries may change this

June 2007

Batboostor, chargeur de piles alcalines universel - 45.00EUR : La boutique éconologique, achats environnement et consommation responsables, investissement durable, économies d'énergie, d'électricite et d'eau, innovations et produits écologiques!

by sbrothier
Capable de recharger de nombreuses fois de suite des piles réputées non rechargeables parce qu’elles sont endommagées par la chaleur des chargeurs classiques, le Batboostor opère à froid grâce à un microprocesseur et une charge impulsionnelle et vous permet de recharger des piles alcalines ou salines, un grand nombre de fois (jusqu'à 20 fois) avant de les déposer dans le container de recyclage.

Solio - Portable Hybrid Solar Charger

by springnet
cool flash app with photos that you can click on and expand... also a cool solar charger for your phone, ipod or laptop

May 2007

instructables : Breath powered USB charger

by mauriz
Recharge your usb devices by breathing

April 2007

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag energy

biz +   canada +   china +   electricity +   environment +   geo +   HongKong +   ir +   japan +   mp3 +   news +   nuclear +   nuclear-fusion +   physics +   politics +   power +   renewables +   science +   Sino-Japan +