April 2007
Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website - Using Data URLs Effectively with Cascading Style Sheets
by nhoizeyData URLs are a clever way of embedding images in HTML. Instead of linking to an image stored locally on the server, the image is provided within the URL itself as a base64-encoded string of data preceded by a mime-type. In this article I discuss how Data URLs can be effectively used to optimize website loading times and performance.
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
Turbine Video Engine SDK
by fakechrisTurbine Video Engine SDK version 2 creates FLV Flash Video encoded from virtually any video format.
August 2006
July 2006
FrogBSD Blog » RSS 標題編碼問題
by feisionRSS 標題編碼問題
Filed under: Web — zmx @ 9:05 am
常常在 Bloglines 裡看到 &這種鬼東西嗎?
追根究底是因為 RSS 規格沒有對 title 標記是 plain text 或是 html,又由於 RSS 是在 XML 裡包 HTML,所以我們有 XML encoding、HTML encoding,產生了 signel encoding、double encodnig,各家的 feed aggregator 解譯方式又不同。
詹姆斯寫的 Encoding RSS Titles 整理了各種 title 用各種 encoding 在各種 aggregator 裡的情況。
想要擺脫這些麻煩 嗎? 請愛用 ATOM Feed。
June 2006
Winki The Ripper
by fredbirdWinki The Ripper aims to be the easiest program for video encoding. It is actually just a graphical frontend for GNOME written in python to command line tools like mencoder, mplayer, mkvtoolnix, oggenc and lsdvd.