public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag embedded

August 2006


by YukuanMark

July 2006

Hunting for Bugs in Real-World Applications...More Than a Child's Game

by YukuanMark
With debugging features such as complex breakpoints, trigger sequencer and processor state storage now available in smaller 16-bit microcontroller architectures, the hunt for the pesky bugs in real-world applications, under real-world operating conditions

A Big Buying

by YukuanBlog
既然要再回到象牙塔蹲一陣子,趁機大拜書一下是一定要的啦 :) 除了到各圖書館抱些書過過癮外,買書勢必是免不了的!


by YukuanMark
以PHILIPS公司的LPC2131 ARM微控制器?核心,以EasyARM2131開發板?基礎,深入淺出地對LPC213x系列ARM微控制器的使用進行詳細、全方位的闡述。

Embedded Flash MP3 Player

by chilkat
Javascript to convert HTML .mp3 links into embedded Flash MP3 players (button with start/stop)

June 2006

FPPATM -- 無刷馬達應用篇

by YukuanMark

May 2006

FPPATM -- 系統應用簡介篇

by YukuanMark
FPPATM 其實,他就是一顆 8x8 的微控器:他的故事由來呢?

µC/GUI Font Converter

by YukuanMark
Using the font converter and editor you can convert any font available on your Windows-PC into a "C"-file which can be compiled and linked with your application. This way the font can be displayed on your display using µC/GUI. Proportional fonts are supp

An Array Implementation of Queue

by YukuanBlog
Embedded System 程式開發, queue 是很常用的資料結構: UART 在接收及傳輸資料時,通常各需要一個 character queue;在處理 keypad 的按鍵輸入時需要一個 key queue ;task 間的溝通,也可能要用到某種 event queue 。

Watchdog Timers

by YukuanMark
To keep a watchdog timer from resetting your system, you've got to kick it regularly. But that's not all there is to watchdog science. We will examine the use and testing of a watchdog,as well as the integration of a watchdog into a multitasking environme

Introduction to Priority Inversion

by YukuanMark
When tasks share resources, as they often do, strange things can and will happen. Priority inversions can be particularly difficult to anticipate. Here's an introduction to priority inversions and a pair of techniques you can use to avoid them.

Sensors Without Batteries

by YukuanMark
In the future, the environment could be pervaded by sensors using the same power-scavenging techniques as RFID tags.

Get by Without an RTOS

by YukuanMark
Too many simple systems use a commercial RTOS. All that's sometimes needed is a way to implement even-driven and periodic functions. Here's an easy way to do just that.


by YukuanMark
eCos is an open source, royalty-free, real-time operating system intended for embedded applications. The highly configurable nature of eCos allows the operating system to be customised to precise application requirements, delivering the best possible run-

Empowering Embedded Systems

by YukuanMark
µC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel is a highly portable, ROMable, very scalable, preemptive real-time, multitasking kernel (RTOS) for microprocessors and microcontrollers.

MicroC OS II: The Real Time Kernel

by YukuanMark
If you currently do not use an RTOS, read this book to gain a deep understanding of what these powerful tools can do for your code. If you're looking at commercial products, read the book to understand some of the trade-offs and gain an appreciation for w

Real Time Application Design

by YukuanMark
This section presents four contrasting design solutions to a hypothetical embedded real time application. The suitability of each solution is judged for embedded computers with varying RAM, ROM and processing capabilities. In addition the simplicity and c


by YukuanMark

EDA Geek - Electronic Design Automation News and Events

by kencheung
news about the electronic design automation industry

Embedded Systems Building Blocks

by YukuanMark
Take the mystery out of embedded systems design with concrete programming examples. You will learn: - the anatomy of a real-time kernel by exploring the author's operating system, MicroC/OS-II. - key concepts unique to embedded systems and real-time kerne

April 2006

Controlling The Real World With Computers

by YukuanMark & 2 others
This site uses hands-on experiments to show the basics of how real things in the real world are controlled with computers. That means it's about most of the computers in the world. Most computers don't sit on desks, but are used to control things that don

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag embedded

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