public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags email & tools

08 June 2006

04 June 2006

03 June 2006

02 June 2006

30 May 2006


by ycc2106 & 30 others is a simple tool that simplifies the process of compressing and sending your files online. isn't a replacement for the traditional desktop compression tools, but its just a tool that makes things easier by cutting down all the 'krunching'

29 May 2006

SocialMail - Making your Emails Big In Japan!

by ycc2106 & 4 others
SocialMail can help you turn email into feeds. Why do you need SocialMail? Why would you want to convert an email into a web feed? Lots of reasons! Starting thinking out of "inbox" and start using feeds today!

26 May 2006

IncrediMail - Email has Finally Evolved

by slogoo
IncrediMail - Email has Finally Evolved——动态Email系统

Custom Domains

by slogoo & 13 others
Domains.Live.com这一个新的免费邮箱的服务. 微软推出的! 1. 可以创建20个用你的domain的邮箱 2. 每个邮箱空间 250M 3. 可以从web查看邮件 4. 垃圾邮件拦截 5. 病毒扫描和清洁邮件功能 6. 无缝结合MSN即时

Springdoo = free video & audio email

by slogoo & 4 others
Springdoo无需打字, 你可以通过麦克风和电脑或直接用电话机录制声频文件, 并通过任何email系统将此'声音"发送出去.


by slogoo & 8 others
GookBox存储音乐到Gmail邮箱, 并直接在POP3邮箱中播放.

24 May 2006 - send teasing messages to your friends in a second!

by slogoo & 4 others
nesens发送搞笑邮件给好友. 操作很简单, 你只要输入你要发送的文字内容, 填写收件人的邮箱, 点击"发送", 收件人便能收到一封带有flash的邮件.

23 May 2006

RSS邮天下 : 不需要RSS阅读软件 Email轻松订阅

by slogoo & 12 others

goowy media home

by slogoo & 9 others
在线工具箱,非同一般,全部Flash ^^,很漂亮不说,而且登陆后界面很像MacOS。 设置:可以自己订制界面背景,并且可以上传桌面背景图上去。可以定制默认的字体。 服务:联系人服务:可以从

22 May 2006

16 May 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag email

apple +   badge +   dock +   extension +   iusethis +   logiciel +   mac +   mail + +   plugin +