bridemate's guide
by blackgoldfish (via)You can download the template to make a little accordion fold booklet, fill in relevant details (important dates, the dress shop's card, fabric swatches, etc.) and tuck it all into an A2 envelope.
printable bookplate
by blackgoldfishDownload and print some bookplates for the little ones, created generously by Emily Martin and available for free at CraftSanity. Click here and scroll down a bit to fetch the PDF.
font: museo
by blackgoldfish"MUSEO ... it all started with my love for U. One day this uppercase letter U just came to me as an image in a daydream."
Vplants 11 by =DJMattRicks
by blackgoldfish"Here are again 30 hq plants wallpapers packed in a zipfile, no logos, text, frames or elsewhat. All pictures comes with 1920x1440 resolution"
(17 marks)