public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags documentation & haskell

January 2006

GNU MIX Development Kit (mdk) Manual

by macroron
Don Knuth's MIX mythical computer, together with a MIXAL (MIX Assembly Language) compiler that produces assembly object files executable by the companion MIX virtual machine. It also allows debugging programs through step by step execution, breakpoint set

hacks - GNU MIX Development Kit.

by macroron
Don Knuth's MIX mythical computer, together with a MIXAL (MIX Assembly Language) compiler that produces assembly object files executable by the companion MIX virtual machine. It also allows debugging programs through step by step execution, breakpoint set

October 2005

pugs - a perl 6 implementation

by macroron
~autrijus tang's attempt at writing a perl 6 interpreter in haskell.

February 2005

January 2005

Active users

last mark : 11/01/2006 12:19

last mark : 01/02/2005 11:32