public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags district & math

October 2005

Whack a Fuzzy

by knann
Click on two fuzzies that add up to 10.

Soccer Ball

by knann
Kick the ball that is 10 less than the number on the goalie's shirt! Headphones needed!

Place Value Tool

by knann
Make numbers to 999 by clicking on the cards. Whole class tool.

Pirate Numbers

by knann
You are a pirate, count the barrels in the water, enter the number and press the button to attack the island base. Counting and typing numbers to 20. Headphones needed!!!

Funky Mummy 2

by knann
Addition Facts to 40. Multiple choice format. Get 10 correct to write your name in heiroglyphics.

Funky Mummy Addition Facts

by knann
Recall number facts up to 10+10. See the Funky Mummy dance when you get it right! Multiple choice format. Get 10 answers correct without clicking on a wrong sarcophacus and you can write in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Equivalence Tool

by knann
Demonstrator for the equivalence of decimals, percentages and fractions. Great for whole class.


by knann
A demonstrator for the use of number lines.Includes a game for adding two 2-digit numbers together by adding the tens first. Answer 5 questions correctly and you can play the flying game. Good for mental Math. Teacher directions needed.

Space Jumps

by knann
Complete these addition facts by first making 10 then adding the difference. Students will need instruction to understand the game. Good for mental arithmetic

Cyberchase . Games Central | PBS Kids

by knann
Variety of math and problem solving puzzles. Reading required for instructions. Some games appropriate for grade 3 with instruction

The Millenium Bug Race

by knann & 1 other
A collection of two player games designed to reinforce number facts. Input number range for facts: ex 1 to 10 for facts to twenty.

Award ceremony: Ordering numbers

by knann
The Award Ceremony involves ordering numbers; highest to lowest or lowest to highest. Includes decimals

Again and Again: Fractions and Decimals TEACHER

by knann
Again and Again is an investigation involving decimals and fractions. A knowledge of the equivalence of decimals and fractions is needed. The investigation also requires the pupil to make generalisations

Virtual Counting Stick

by knann
Virtual Counting Stick can be used as a tool to demonstrate and help children visualize counting on and back. Click quit button for detailed info.

Comparing fractions and percentages activity.

by knann
An interactive exploration to compare fractions and percentages using a pizza, candy bar, measuring cup, and group of people. Good whole class activity or small group.

Comparing Fractions

by knann
Dolphin racing - Test your knowledge by finding the largest fraction to win the game. Ordering Game: Put fractions in order from smallest to largest

Introduction to Fractions

by knann
Two interactive explorations to visualize fractions. Good for whole class activities, recognizing patterns. Provides different ways of representing fractions (pizza, candy bar, people, measuring cup)

NCTM : The Fraction Game

by knann
This applet allows students to individually practice working with relationships among fractions and ways of combining fractions. Goal: Get all the markers to the right side of the game board. Sum of markers is less than or = to target fraction Use as few cards as possible.

NCTM : Illuminations : Fraction Model I

by knann
This tool explores several representations for fractions with equivalent decimals and percents Use circles, rectangles, or sets to illustrate the fraction./ See fraction models II, III, and IV for more options. Whole class tool. with lesson plan.

THe Big Count

by knann
Great for whole classroom counting practice by 1's, 2's, 5's 10's.

The Decifractator

by knann
Explore relationships between fractions and decimals with this interactive tool. Whole class tool.

Number Gym: Adding Fractions

by knann
Intro activity for adding fractions.

Equivalent Fractions

by knann
Fill in the equivalent fraction to win each round. Fractions illustrated with pie chart. Students can set the time and choose from equivalent fraction families. Good whole class activity as well.

Plot the Robot

by knann
Plot the Robot is for online printing and offline mental arithmetic, calculator work, and coordinate graphing to draw pictures.