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PUBLIC MARKS with tags district & es:science

14 October 2007

Earth and

by knann (via)
Great instructional game that teaches and quizzes students on the planets, moon, earth's rotation, and orbit. Students must earn points to play a game. Good independent activity.

Animal Habitats

by knann (via)
Choose a habitat. Then click and drag the animals to the habitat When you are finished, take the quiz:

The Right Track

by knann
Get on the Right Track to Healthy Eating Interactive lesson with text or audio.

Did I Read It or Not?

by knann
Carson is reading about his body and how it works. It is hard for him to understand what he has read. Carson needs your help with his reading skills. LA.A. - The student understands explicit and implicit ideas and information in fourth-grade or higher texts.

Kidspiration Solar System - Inner and Outer Planets Activity

by knann
Explain and demonstrate the sorting activity to the class. Each student will complete the activity by dragging and placing the planets into the appropriate Super Grouper. Each student will print his/her work

Planets in Our Solar System

by knann (via)
Webquest for third grade. One or two links do not work.

Zoom Astronomy

by knann (via)
Enchanted Learning Site for the solar system, planets, and more.

Space Sense for Kids

by knann
Every question you answer correctly will boost your rocket a little further toward its destination--leaving the Earth's atmosphere. Click the button that you think holds the correct answer, or click a 'Life Line' button for helpful clues. 'Open a Link' will take you to a web page that has information about the question, and 'What have others answered?' will show you the percentage of people that have previously chosen each answer.

Eight Planets and a Dwarf Soduko

by knann
Fill in all the empty cells by dragging and dropping the planets Every row,column,and 3x3 box with orange borders should contain all nine planets. No planet should appear more than once in a row, column, or box.

Sky aboveStowe VT on Sun 2007 Oct 14 10:42

by knann
Use these numbers for the observing site Lat 44°47'17" Long 73°9'11"

Your Weight On Other Worlds

by knann
Use this calculator to figure out your weight on the other planets

13 October 2007

The Space Place :: Planet X-treme Weather

by knann
Interesting comparison of EXTREME weather on other planets. Could be adapted for Clicker5

The Solar System Trading Cards

by knann & 1 other
Learn about the solar system with this trading card game

Circuit World

by knann
Online design your own circuit using real objects or symbols. Teacher need to instruct students before using independently!

ARKive - Creating a lasting audio-visual record of life on Earth.

by knann & 7 others (via)
ARKive ( is the world's centralised library of films and photographs of the world's endangered species - freely accessible to all online for private research and internal educational purposes. Hailed as the digital Noah's Ark, it has won numerous conservation, education and communication awards since its launch by Sir David Attenborough in 2003, and has now profiled over 2,500 of the world's endangered species, using over 3,000 movie clips and 18,000 photos as well as a full research page on each animal - all freely available for internal educational use at Register for free and create a scrapbook that can be shared with students

ARKive Education - Resources

by knann
ARKive Education is a free-to-use, multi-media resource bank for teachers and other educators. Making use of the stunning imagery available at the award-winning ARKive website, ARKive Education provides downloadable, ready to use modules on a wide range of curriculum topics, suitable for geography, biology, environmental education and citizenship lessons.

11 October 2007

The Watershed Game

by knann (via)
This is an interactive computer game which illustrates how human actions affect water quality within a community. Players take on the role of a city planner, and must make choices about recreational, agricultural, industrial, and residential development projects. The choices made by players will determine how much of a negative impact the project will have on the water and habitat within the community

Virtual River

by knann (via)
An enrichment site for 5th grade River Study

10 October 2007

Easy Science Experiment Projects at Steve Spangler Science

by knann (via)
Welcome to the ever-growing, ever-changing collection of Steve Spangler's favorite science experiments, recipes and cool science projects. This hands-on science library represents Steve's most requested science experiments from his weekly television appearances and live presentations throughout the country. Just search for an easy science project idea or browse the entire library of experiments.

03 October 2007

SymbolWorld - The planets

by knann
Informative website about the planets with audio and symbol support.

The SunTracker

by knann (via)
The SunTracker The SunTracker is a program that lets you see where the Sun is in the sky at any time of day, anywhere in the world. Just click on a date, choose a place and click on the pink button. If you want to see the movement slower just change the speed. For example, you might want to see what the North Pole in January looks like (very dark). Or you could see Liverpool, Britain and Sydney, Australia on the same day to compare how much sunlight we all receive

Great Plant Escape

by knann
Interactive reading environment for the study of plants geared for grades 4 and 5. Each of the lessons in this program is interdisciplinary, designed to introduce students to plant science and increase their understanding of how foods grow. Activities enhance student's math, science, language arts, social studies, music and art. You have many options in this program. Choose any or all of the suggested activities for your class. Many activities are for students to work independently and some are for group work.