June 2005
May 2005
Dive Into Greasemonkey
by marc-o & 40 others (via)Dive Into Greasemonkey is a book about programming with Greasemonkey, a Firefox extension for customizing web pages.
April 2005
PHP Cheat Sheet
by nhoizey & 9 others (via)The PHP cheat sheet is designed to be printed on an A4 sheet of paper and live by a developers desk, to make life a bit easier.
Aardvark Firefox Extension
by jpbebien & 20 others (via)The Aardvark Firefox extension est un outil pour les web developeurs/designers ainsi que pour les utilisateurs occasionnels, permettant de voir en un coup d'oeil les différents éléments d'une page au survol de la souris.
Aardvark Firefox Extension
by nhoizey & 20 others (via)The Aardvark Firefox extension est un outil pour les web developeurs/designers ainsi que pour les utilisateurs occasionnels, permettant de voir en un coup d'oeil les différents éléments d'une page au survol de la souris.
Aardvark Firefox Extension
by vieilfrance & 20 others (via)The Aardvark Firefox extension is a tool for web developers/designers as well as casual users.
March 2005
JavaScript O Lait
by onizuka & 7 others (via)It's more than just a JavaScript library. The goal is to ease JavaScript development by building a library of reusable modules and components and enhancing JavaScript with simpler Class and Module handling mechanisms.
JavaScript O Lait
by redyrod & 7 others (via)It's more than just a JavaScript library. The goal is to ease JavaScript development by building a library of reusable modules and components and enhancing JavaScript with simpler Class and Module handling mechanisms.
JavaScript O Lait
by camel & 7 others (via)
It's more than just a JavaScript library. The goal is to ease JavaScript development by building a library of reusable modules and components and enhancing JavaScript with simpler Class and Module handling mechanisms.
Language Identification Tools List
by hurlantenova & 1 other (via)ecriver une phrase, cliquez, et le script vous donne la langue du texte
PEAR :: Package :: HTTP_Request
by camel & 3 others (via)
Supports GET/POST/HEAD/TRACE/PUT/DELETE, Basic authentication, Proxy,
Proxy Authentication, SSL, file uploads etc.
Xhtml2pdf - Xhtml2pdf Homepage
by nicolasd & 15 others (via)Xhtml2pdf est une classe PHP, libre et gratuite (sous license GPL) permettant de transformer des documents xhtml en PDF
Xhtml2pdf - Xhtml2pdf Homepage
by nicolasd & 15 others (via)Xhtml2pdf est une classe PHP, libre et gratuite (sous license GPL) permettant de transformer des documents xhtml en PDF