public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags dev & xml

September 2005

July 2005

Content with Style: Database-driven tree structures with XML and XSLT

by fredbird & 1 other
This article deals with the display of tree-structures that are driven by a database. There are actually a few approaches to transform a 2-dimensional structure into a tree, and it seems odd that most are unknown to many developers.

June 2005

Content with Style: XML as intermediate application layer

by fredbird
In this article I want to share my thoughts on techniques for keeping our code XML-based - so there's no need to get your hands dirty in your application code to change the markup that is rendered afterwards. Most things will be PHP related though.

March 2005

SOA, AJAX and REST by Dare Obasanjo

by marc-o & 2 others (via)
"The Software Industry Devolves into the Fashion Industry"

February 2005

January 2005

YAML Ain't Markup Language

by fredbird & 5 others
a wannabe standard for data formatting, without markup (therefore, not xml-compliant)

A Development Infrastructure for PHP

by fredbird & 5 others
With every programming language I have worked in it has become normal practice, after having developed an initial series of programs, to identify a common structure to which all subsequent programs should be built. This may take some time as it involves a bit of trial and error in playing with the different ways in which a task can be achieved in order to find the methodology that gives the most advantages in the long term.

December 2004

November 2004

August 2004


by parmentierf
Un format de description de projet en RDF.

March 2004

ongoing - Genx Status

by parmentierf
C-callable API which will write XML safely and efficiently.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dev

ajax +   clevermarks +   echo2 +   eclipse +   framework +   groupe:clever-age +   GWT +   java +   JSF +   My_Faces +   rad +   rap +   struts +   struts2 +   vs +   web +   wicket +