đź› RegExp - Regular Expressions for the Rest of Us
by decembreHow to Write Regular Expressions ?
The best way to learn regular expressions is by using an example.
Let's say you're building a web page with a phone number input.
Web Application Exploits and Defenses
by parmentierf & 2 others (via)# Learn how hackers find security vulnerabilities!
# Learn how hackers exploit web applications!
# Learn how to stop them!
Dive Into Python 3
by parmentierf & 3 othersDive Into Python 3 covers Python 3 and its differences from Python 2.
Effectively Using Git With Subversion | Web Development Blog: Web Development Insights, Best Practices, Tips & Techniques : Viget Labs
by parmentierf & 1 otherThe integration between git and Subversion (git-svn) is so well done that several of us have been using git as our interface to all our Subversion repositories. Doing this is fairly simple, but there are some interesting tricks, and so I thought I would share a day in the Viget life with git-svn.
Tutoriel : Premiers pas avec le Google Widget Toolkit
by parmentierfLe moteur de recherche a dessiné cette infrastructure pour le développement d'applications Internet riches. Présentation de son architecture, et décryptage de ses avantages et inconvénients.
Transformations XML avec XSLT et PHP - Tout Programmer
by parmentierf & 1 otherEn peu de temps, XML est devenu le langage d'échange entre applications. Grâce à des outils comme XSLT, il est capable de se transformer en d'autres langages comme par exemple le HTML pour être compris et affiché par tout navigateur. Cet article propose différentes approches d'utilisation de XSLT avec PHP.
Debugging make
by parmentierf (via)Make utilities such as GNU make, System V make, and Berkeley make, are fundamental tools for streamlining the application build process, but each one is just a little different from the others. Learn the structure of the makefile and how to avoid common mistakes in its creation, discover how to fix or work around portability issues, and pick up hints for solving other problems as they crop up.
SVG-Whiz! Home
by parmentierfThe intent of SVG-Whiz! is to promote the use of SVG, to provide examples of how to do tasks in SVG, to provide tools for authoring SVG, and to talk about experiments and proposals with SVG. SVG-Whiz! is also the name of one of my tools, a graphical WYSIWYG browser-based SVG editor, written in SVG and ECMAScript, and which can be found in the Tools section.
Comment bien coder en Javascript ? - Alsacréations
by parmentierf & 26 othersCe tutoriel vous montre, au travers de bonnes pratiques, comment obtenir un code Javascript non intrusif, évolutif, accessible, facilitant la maintenance et minimisant les risques d'interaction. Ce document regroupe diverses notions de base et d'autres plus avancées telles que les tests de fonctions, les variables globales, la séparation de la structure, de la présentation, du comportement voire des données, le modèle objet, les littéraux, une introduction à JSON ou encore la gestion des événements.
11.1 Introduction Ă XBL, tutoriel XUL - xulfr.org/xulplanet.com
by parmentierf & 2 others (via)Introduction Ă XBL
Project:Omega - O'ReillyNet-Fr - Scripting - Scripter Cocoa avec F-Script
by nhoizey (via)Nous voyons beaucoup d'agitations de la communauté open-source autour de Mac OS X. Un des projets qui m'a tapé dans l'oeil est celui de Philippe Mougin : F-Script. Cette couche de scripting, orientée objets et légère, fournit un accès interactif aux frameworks Cocoa et aux objets personnalisés. Je vous présente ce tutoriel comme un élément de notre exploration de Cocoa et des outils qui s'y apparentent.
Charming Python: Get started with the Natural Language Toolkit
by parmentierf (via)In this installment, David introduces you to the Natural Language Toolkit, a Python library for applying academic linguistic techniques to collections of textual data. Programming that goes by the name "text processing" is a start; other capabilities for syntactic and even semantic analysis are further specialized to studying natural languages.
SVG Basics Tutorials - Scalable Vector Graphics by Hand
by parmentierf & 2 othersThe current focus of this site is to help people interested in hand-coding SVG graphics. If you didn't understand a lot of the previous paragraph, don't worry. The intent here is to get people familiar with SVG without worrying too much about the underlying XML standard. Once you understand some SVG you'll probably want to learn more about automating it with other tools. That might come up here later on, but for now it may be easiest to get that functionality from style sheets (in XSL) that can turn XML data into SVG.
#ProgX - 5 ans d'articles, gratuits !
by parmentierfPresque tous les articles Ă©crit dans l'ex(cellent) Login: par l'excellent Romain Guy.