林信行の「Leopard」に続く道 第7回:Macを新時代へといざなうOS——「Leopard」が変える未来 (1/4) - ITmedia D PC USER
by kuroyagi"Spotlight自体は、Tigerから搭載されていた検索機能だが、Leopardでは、検索速度とヒット率が劇的に向上し、ネットワーク検索や複合検索への対応、さらには検索以外の新しい機能も追加された。これによってTigerまでのSpotlightとは、まるで別物と思えるくらい便利になっている。"
regain search engine
by Regis (via)regain is a search engine similar to web search engines like Google, with the difference that you don't search the web, but your own files and documents. Using regain you can search through large portions of data (several gigabytes!) in split seconds!
Apple - Mac OS X - Spotlight
by régis & 1 other (via)With Spotlight, you can find anything on your computer as quickly as you type. Search your entire system from one place: Files, emails, contacts, images, calendars and applications appear instantly.
Aduna AutoFocus
by régis & 1 otherAduna AutoFocus helps you to search and find information on your PC, network disks, mail boxes, websites and Aduna Metadata Server sources. It scans all places where you expect valuable information and provides powerful means for retrieving that information.
AutoFocus is based on Guided Exploration which gives you information with high precision. Use the online demonstration to learn more about AutoFocus.
(10 marks)