public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & firefox

May 2006

April 2006

January 2006


by philippej & 23 others
"...a new tool for Firefox that aids with debugging Javascript, DHTML, and Ajax." Bien sûr faudrait quand même pas pousser mémé dans les orties non plus :)


by achraf
blog devblog portfolio social sharing bookmark tutorials rss

X-Ray Firefox Extension

by jackysee & 3 others
讓你可以宜接在頁面看到部份 html tag,而不用在 source code 與 browser 間跳來跳去

December 2005

View Rendered Source Chart

by blogsir & 10 others

Firefox 與網頁設計

by SUNG & 13 others (via)
Jedi的網頁。教你利用Firefox的DOM Inspector以及很多不同的擴充套件助你設計網頁。

Firefox 與網頁設計

by chapmanchoi & 13 others
Jedi的網頁。教你利用Firefox的DOM Inspector以及很多不同的擴充套件助你設計網頁。

Firefox 與網頁設計 | Jedi's BLOG |

by okoel & 13 others (via)
利用 Firefox 和它的 extension 來協助你設計網頁

November 2005

CSSVista: Live CSS editing with Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously

by wing & 32 others (via)
CSSVista is a free Windows application for web developers which lets you edit your CSS code live in both Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously. By building your sites to work in both IE 6 and Firefox you'll be compatible with 88% of your visitors' web browsers*. To cover the other 12%, you may like to look at our paid-for browser compatibility service, SiteVista. Yes, that's why this software is free! :-)


by Hydragon & 32 others
CSSVista is a free Windows application for web developers which lets you edit your CSS code live in both Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously.

October 2005

Mozilla Demos Page

by macroron & 2 others
This page contains links to a few demos which show off Mozilla's excellent standards support.

Sticky Notes Demo -

by macroron
This demo uses XBL to create a widget that functions as a board for PostIt notes. It's possible to add new Notes, to edit already existed ones (E) and to delete obsolete ones (X).