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PUBLIC MARKS with tags delicious & klynt

May 2010

Storyist » Home

by HK & 1 other
“Storyist, for me, was more fun to use than any of the other novel/screenplay creation tools. ... Because of that intangible feeling of using a thoughtful, finely crafted tool, the scope of the features, and the (available) printed manual, I'm rating Storyist one notch above all the rest.” - John Martellaro, Senior Editor, The Mac Observer

Tools & Utilities for filmmakers

by HK
You've now entered the Dependent Films Download Center. It's unbelievable 1) how much these files can help, and 2) how hard all of these tools are to find on the net.

Storyboarding | Multimedia Storytelling | Knight Digital Media Center

by HK
A storyboard helps you: * Define the parameters of a story within available resources and time * Organize and focus a story * Figure out what medium to use for each part of the story

Celtx - #1 choice for media pre-production.

by HK & 1 other
Celtx is the world's first all-in-one media pre-production system. It replaces 'paper & binder' pre-production with a digital approach that's more complete, simpler to work with, and easier to share.

Traditional Ways Of Judging ‘Quality’ In Published Content Are Now Useless | paidContent

by HK
Ben Elowitz (@elowitz) is co-founder and CEO of Wetpaint, a platform for social web sites, and author of the Digital Quarters blog. Prior to Wetpaint, Elowitz co-founded Blue Nile, the online retailer of luxury goods. He is also an angel investor in various media and e-commerce companies.

Exchanging content | Storyplanet

by HK
Interactive editing software by photographer and multimedia artist Bjarke Myrthu

Storyboarding I: Just the Basics

by HK
What is a storyboard? It's a place to plan out your digital story in two dimensions. The first dimension is time: what happens first, next, and last. The second is of interaction: how does the voiceover (your story) interact with the images, how do visual transitions and effects help tie together the images, how does the voiceover interact with the musical soundtrack?

Interlude Makes Videos Truly Interactive

by HK
The central part of the business can be essentially summarized as ‘choose your own adventure’ technology for online videos. Read more:

Xtranormal | Text-to-Movie

by HK
choisissez votre acteur et écrivez votre scenario à gauche

Multimedia eLearning Software | Lectora Pro Suite

by HK
Quickly create and publish rich multimedia content for eLearning with Lectora Pro Suite

April 2010

Diaporama et retouche photo - Gratuit et en ligne

by HK
# Créer de superbes diaporamas personnalisés # Ajouter de la musique à mes diaporamas # Mettre mes diaporamas sur mon blog ou site web # Graver mes diaporamas sur DVD # Retoucher facilement mes photos # Commander des tirages photos # Stocker et organiser toutes mes photos # Tout partager avec ceux que j’aime !

Soundslides: Software for Storytellers

by HK & 2 others
Finies les complications en flash, le nouveau sésame du multimedia pour les nuls s'appelle soundlisdes. Les journalistes américains en raffolent. Soundlisdes a été conçu pour les journalistes, mais vous lui trouverez peut-être d'autres utilités. Soyez fous ! prévient son créateur. Au départ, Joe Weiss était effectivement un photojournaliste, installé dans le grand sud américain, qui bricolait lui même ses slideshows. Et puis à force de bidouiller, il a décidé de faire un petit software tout simple, pas cher (25 euros pour sa version basique, 45 euros pour la version Plus) et salvateur pour toute la communauté des photographes, freelances, bloggueurs qui auraient la bonne idée de se lancer dans le multimédia sans trop savoir comment faire. un logiciel sans prétention mais diablement efficace pour construire vos diaporamas à partir d'image fixes, de vidéos et de son. Aux Etats-Unis, il a même reçu un prix donné chaque année par la National Press Photographer's Association.

March 2010

Free Website With Flash Website Builder at

by HK & 13 others
A small but growing start-up, we love it when you use Wix to make your own fabulous websites and other Flash creations. And it's thanks to the support and feedback from users like you that Wix continues to evolve! Check out our blog to keep track of our latest news & features. Or get back to playing on

February 2010

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag delicious

censorship +   freedomofexpression +   freespeech +   humanrights +   information +   media +   music +   press +   technology +