public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag databases

September 2005

May 2005

March 2005

February 2005

Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL, Third Edition (Books)

by Pandora
"This book is for those who like step-by-step directions accompanied by explanations of how things work." Yeah, that's me.

January 2005

December 2004

WordPress Plugins Database

by Pandora & 3 others
A wordpress plugin database -- I was specifically looking up the plugin.

MySQL Gotchas

by jmfontaine & 6 others
Un site qui liste un certain nombre de pièges liés àdes comportements erronés ou inattendus de MySQL

November 2004

NNDB: Tracking the entire world

by Pandora
Tracking the entire world (I wish I knew what NNDB stood for...)


by Pandora
Lovely database of links responsible for most of mine. Add yours now!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag databases

Arroyo +   battle +   california +   creek +   culture +   family +   genealogy +   history +   return +