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29 January 2007 00:30

HR-XSL Homepage

by pvergain (via)
The HR-XSL project provides a set of command-line tools that transforms a curriculum vitae or résumé in XML format into PDF, HTML, or plain text format. Background Keeping one's CV current is a tedious, never-ending process. One common problem is that several different versions of the same document have to be maintained. For example, job hunters these days typically have to maintain at least three separate forms of their CV or résumé: * An HTML version for posting to the web * A plain text one for sending via email * A nicely-formatted PDF version for printing With all of these different versions, making changes to your CV or résumé can be tiresome and prone to error. Cutting and pasting can help, but a typo in one version will still propagate to all the others, and then you must correct each separate version. And, when deadlines are approaching, you might quickly make an important change to one version and forget to make that same change in all of the others. A better approach is to put all of your CV or résumé content into a single "master" copy, then let your computer automatically generate and format different versions of the document from this master. The HR-XSL project provides the tools for exactly this purpose. All you need to do is create a CV in a special XML format. HR-XSL can then take this XML file as input and create a PDF, HTML, or plain text version as output. Documentation User documentation Examples Simple Résumé Source HTML PDF Plain text Complex CV Source HTML PDF Plain text Download Latest release Project Page HR-XSL on Related Sites * HR-XML Consortium - This non-profit organization produces XML specifications for HR processes, including a specification for résumés. * Open Source Recruiter (SourceForge) - A Java toolkit for creating and manipulating HR-XML résumés. * Jerimoth (SourceForge) - A Java-based web service for posting HR-XML résumés. * Open Human Resources (SourceForge) - An open repository for various Human Resource components that communicate using HR-XML via SOAP. * OpenSkills (Wikipedia) - a global non-profit association that provides a freely searchable database of résumés based on HR-XML. * xmlresume (SourceForge) - An open source project that defines both the data layer and the presentation layer of a résumé. It uses a custom (non-HR-XML) data format.

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