public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "curious things"

January 2008

April 2007

Buscadores curiosos at Pisito en Madrid

by Ithil (via)
Últimamente estoy leyendo muchísimas noticias sobre nuevos buscadores y metabuscadores, algunos curiosísimos y otros totalmente inútiles. Investigando un poco he realizado esta lista con los buscadores que creo más curiosos tanto por su estética como por los motores de búsqueda que usan(pisito en madrid)

December 2006 -- a museum of strange and rarely used HTML tags

by Ithil (via)
Recolección de etiquetas HTML que probablemente rara vez hayas utilizado. Por ejemplo está la que te permite cambiar la dirección del texto o la de crear citas. Muchas de estas etiquetas sólo funcionan desde Mozilla / Firefox (meneame)

October 2006

Winners of the Ig® Nobel Prize

by Ithil & 1 other
The winners have all done things that first make people LAUGH, then make them THINK.

July 2006

The Budget Traveller's Guide to Sleeping in Airports Sleeping in Airports

by Ithil & 2 others
"For travellers who are REALLY on a budget and are looking for a way to skim a few bucks off their travel expenses, why not consider sleeping in an airport? Many airports are actually better than local lodging. And to top it off - IT'S FREE! Your friends and family may look at you funny when you return with your airport stories, but that's only part of the fun. So now, sit back....get out your travel itinerary and plan which airports you're going to sleep in (or avoid altogether) during your next trip. " It is useful if you are traped in airport -strikes, hurricanes...

May 2006

April 2006

Invisible Library Catalog

by Ithil (via)
The Invisible Library is a collection of books that only appear in other books. Within the library's catalog you will find imaginary books, pseudobiblia, artifictions, fabled tomes, libris phantastica, and all manner of books unwritten, unread, unpublished, and unfound.

What the heck?-The website what asks, what the heck?

by Ithil
Ain't Capitalism Grand? The Weird eBay Auctions Warehouse


by Ithil & 9 others (via) will find out what thinks of you, your friends or anything!

The Easter Egg Archive

by Ithil & 8 others (via)
Hidden secrets in software, movies, music and more!

Active users

last mark : 30/01/2008 21:50