public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture & space

06 November 2006

by jlesage
visual encyclopedia that documents manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.--summative photo essays produced by students guided by faculty

Roadside Architecture

by jlesage
documenting roadside architecture in the US, under many whacky categories; this is a favorite theme of mine in photography

Documenting America

by jlesage & 1 other
huge photographic archive from Farm Security Administration-Office of War Information Collection - Photoethnographers

by jlesage
bibliography with many links to historically important photographers

Syllabus - SOC 4391 - Social Theory

by jlesage
value of the course outline is that there are links to chapters of most classics in social theory, reproduced as full text chapters and extensive excerpts

The Mirror Project: Adventures in Reflective Surfaces

by jlesage & 4 others
collection of images from people who photographed themselves in reflective surfaces; since this is a favorite tactics of lovers of light, many images are well composed and intriguing

Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society

by jlesage
very large bibliography on Critical Whiteness Studies, broken down into various categories; not interactive and does not lead to full text essays; worth going to the library to follow up on

The geopolitics of knowledge and the colonial difference

by jlesage
by Walter Mignolo; "'modernity' is not a strictly European but a planetary phenomenon to which the "excluded barbarians" have contributed, although their contribution has not been acknowledged."

Invincible Cities

by jlesage
photographic exploration of two poor cities, a combination of Walter Benjamin's interest in traces and overlays with systematic, extensive visual ethnography

After September 11: Images from Ground Zero: Joel Meyerowitz

by jlesage
The foremost color photographer in the US had special access to Ground Zero in NY shortly after the attack; this site has images from his major exhibit

Sensing Place: Photography as Inquiry

by jlesage
Course outline and reading list for fine arts course on landscape photography; excellent bibliography; will require a trip to the photography books section of a fine arts library

03 November 2006


by jlesage
papers and audiovisual texts on "the discourses, ideologies, and human experiences/uses of new media apparatuses"

Jahsonic, a vocabulary of culture

by jlesage
intriguing website taking up themes and critical theories/ists, with many links; check out "index" link on home page

"Flaubert's Point of View" by Pierre Bourdieu

by jlesage
complete text of long essay; Flaubert was a touchstone for Bourdieu in establishing the concept of the field of cultural production

"Rhetorical and Political Agency in the Habitus"

by jlesage
essay attempting to analyze potential agency of teachers and students

Pierre Bourdieu and taste

by jlesage
overview, with many links; part of a larger, interesting cultural studies site


by jlesage
interpretive essay that provides good overview for cultural studies; constrasts Bourdieu and Derrida

02 November 2006

"Cyberfeminism with a difference" by Rosi Braidotti

by jlesage
an important essay building on the work of Donna Haraway, emphasizing the kinds of empoverishment that come with globalization, and the possibilities for new forms of collective identity in cyberspace, while eschewing utopianism.


by jlesage & 3 others
lots of fascinating image material; architectural conjecture :: urban speculation :: landscape futures

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag culture

africa +   history +   Sierra-leone +   sierra_leone +   SierraLeone +   travel +