public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture & essays

October 2006

b o r d e r l a n d s e-journal :: all issues

by jlesage
"writings cutting across and between politics, media, literature, history, law, science, medicine, philosophy, economics, music, film and more." Attractive and informative graphic design for ejournal homepage.

Flow Conference 2006

by jlesage
Oct 06. Innovative academic TV site, Flow, has upcoming conversational conference coming at end of month. Contributors submit short position papers, available for downloading.

Networked Public Culture

by jlesage
theses for a proposed book on this topic, to which readers are invited to contribute, with comments included in "symposia" after each chapter, first announcement. Later entries include chapter contributors, topics, comments.

H-Net Review: John C. Ehrhardt on Tourism: Between Place and Performance

by jlesage
For students of documentary, it is useful to conceptualize place, space, locale, and social performance all at the same time.

The Kitchen - Essays

by jlesage

Steve Bussey's Blog: "Interpreting Popular Culture" Course

by jlesage
Blogger describes course, including a bibliography of exciting readings.

H-Net Review: J. Michael Ryan on Sharon Zukin's "Point of Purchase"

by jlesage
subtitle of Zukin's book: How Shopping Changed American Culture; H-Net review offers reviews of humanities scholarship

re-public: re.imagining democracy

by jlesage
e-journal: "process of re-imagining democracy, broadly conceived as referring to the multitude of practices that shape everyday life"; in-depth left essays from an international perspective

A Rape in Cyberspace By Julian Dibbell

by jlesage
1993, complete text of essay delineating important event in Internet history

September 2006

The House Next Door

by jlesage
thoughtful and substantial essays on TV shows and current and foreign films; excellent set of links on right side to film blogs and other Intenet film resources

De una de las mujeres que amo. | Negra cubana... tenĂ­a que ser

by jlesage
Cuban woman's blog with article about the representation of black women in advertising, in Spanish

Continuum Contents

by jlesage
online film journal from Australia

August 2006

MPI - Participant Rooms

by jlesage
excellent set of academic online essays related to "global and local factors that enable/constrain cultural production and resignification/resistance by a varierty of media audiences"

Autonomy & Solidarity | Autonomy & Solidarity Network

by jlesage
left journal: change comes from self organization of workers and oppressed groups

Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net

by jlesage
interesting left theory online journal--"exploring culture and politics after the net" - A Better View of Indian Cinema

by jlesage
analytic writing about Indian cinema; a good place to start if you want to start looking at films from India in a serious way


by jlesage
originator of avant-garde blogathon, Aug. 2, 2006; good links on left to other film blogs; Aug. 2 entry has links to bloggers who responded to call.

July 2006


by jlesage
Ed Halter's reviews of avant-garde film, often for the Village Voice, and his observations on the experimental film world :: FRONTPAGE (xhtml)

by jlesage & 2 others
a newspaper and tv film reviewer with consistently good writing over many years


by jlesage
cultural theory, literature, media--from the perspective of a Latin Americanist