public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture &

April 2005

Alison Knowles: The Big Book

by ramage
"The Big Book is an eight foot tall construction by Alison Knowles which has a front cover and several pages, and contains a stove, telephone, chemical toilet, art gallery, electric fan, books and other necessities of life."

George Maciunas Radio Interview: KRAB Seattle, September 1977

by ramage
"George could you tell me what Flux is?" ...usually kids like our stuff or people not expecting art... The original 55 minute broadcast divided into 8 separate audio clips.

Hannah Higgins on being a Fluxus child

by ramage
"Mordecai MacLow is a tenured astrophysicist at Hayden Planetarium; Bracken Hendricks started the Apollo Alliance, which is a political action group designed to bring together causes of labor and the environment. Most Fluxus kids have tended to desire, pr

Sulaitis: Fluxus - the legacy of George Maciunas

by ramage
George Maciunas was an artist ahead of his time, who happened to be Lithuanian.

March 2005


by ramage
This paper gives an overview of the development of visual poetry in the twentieth century; it then introduces theoretical issues in holopoetry and discusses new holopoems created between 1989 and 1991.

February 2005

TCS: Tech Central Station - Chasing the Long Tail

by ramage
mass media continues breaking apart into smaller and smaller fractals

Wired 12.10: The Long Tail

by ramage
The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream.

The Balance Bar

by ramage
browser extension programmed to allow any user to editorialize any web page

Voices of the Frasassi Caves: 'geophonic' music

by ramage Elica - cooker hoods

Camp Catatonia

by ramage
where brains burn brightly

January 2005

April 2004


by ramage & 4 others
an art-technology-philosophy group of basket weaving enthusiasts and theory do-it-yourselfers having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis

Britannia Moribundia

by ramage
"the faltering pulse of a worn-out, dingy and cherishably threadbare UK..."

== Free Culture ==

by ramage
This site collects content related to FREE CULTURE, the book. by Lawrence Lessig.

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here

by ramage & 25 others
"another world is not just possible, it's here. We only need to put the pieces together."

March 2004