public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag css3

January 2015


by eledo34 (via)
Icono: Un pack d'icones 100% CSS avec un seul élément HTML: #fdw #icones #css

December 2014

A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks

by dzc & 2 others
display: flex; display: inline-flex -- flexbox layout is direction-agnostic as opposed to the regular layouts (block which is vertically-based and inline which is horizontally-based). While those work well for pages, they lack flexibility (no pun intended) to support large or complex applications (especially when it comes to orientation changing, resizing, stretching, shrinking, etc.).

will-change und der Compositor Layer

by 84GHz
will-change ist die erste CSS-Eigenschaft, die dem Entwickler direkten Einfluss auf die Performance des Browsers gibt.

Working With RGBA Colour ◆ 24 ways

by 84GHz
CSS3 introduces a couple of new ways to specify colours, and one of those is RGBA. The A stands for Alpha, which refers to the level of opacity of the colour, or to put it another way, the amount of transparency. This means that we can set not only the red, green and blue values, but also control how much of what’s behind the colour shows through. Like with layers in Photoshop.

November 2014

Valerie Martinez Agency

by manu
Very nice hover effect

Un générateur de dégradés en CSS (gradient CSS) - Korben

by eledo34 (via)
Un générateur de dégradés en CSS (gradient CSS) Je mâchouillais de la CSS depuis ce matin et tout se passait bien, quand SOUDAIN, j'ai eu la subite envie de faire un petit dégradé. Rien de plus en simple en théorie puisqu'il y a tout ce qu'il faut en CSS3 pour faire ça.

October 2014

20 More Docs and Guides for Front-End Developers

by manu
To start out the week, you might be in the mood to learn something new or maybe refine your abilities in a particular language or technology on the front-end.


by srcmax & 1 other
Webplate is an awesome front-end framework that lets you stay focused on building your site or app all the while remaining really easy to use


by manu & 1 other
Webplate is an awesome front-end framework that lets you stay focused on building your site or app all the while remaining really easy to use

September 2014

August 2014

July 2014

June 2014


by srcmax & 4 others
bounce.js lets you create tasty CSS3 powered animations in no time.

May 2014

A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks

by 84GHz & 2 others
a more efficient way to lay out, align and distribute space among items in a container, even when their size is unknown and/or dynamic