public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & links

June 2006

Veerle's blog

by rikaizm & 10 others

May 2006

Dynamic Drive CSS Library-Practical CSS codes and examples

by rikaizm & 57 others

Kaliber10000 { The Designers' Lunchbox ™ }

by azusa & 35 others
The designers' lunchbox, a global digital design portal for people who actually have something to say, and know how to do it. Updated weekly with a new issue, updated hourly with design news.

Jaredigital. Just a little something to hold my slow jams.

by azusa & 6 others
Jaredigital is the personal portfolio of Jared Christensen, designer and illustrator. Current projects, web log and other paraphernalia grace these pages.

Web Developer's Handbook : developing web-sites, exploring imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

by azusa & 181 others
Web Developer's Handbook is a list of essential web-sites, which make the life of web developers easier. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman.

Web Design Library — One-stop resource for web designers

by azusa & 13 others
Web Design Library offers professional free web design tutorials, articles, news, software reviews, websites showcase, interviews, free web design stuff, forums and more. Tutorial Search Engine

by azusa & 52 others
Pixel2life is the largest tutorial search engine on the internet catering to graphic designers and programmers. From Photoshop to Poser to C++, we have it all in the fastest and friendliest search tool around.

Beautifully - Web design links

by azusa & 19 others, annuaire de liens autour du web design, mise à jour quotidienne.

April 2006

March 2006