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PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & ajax

03 February 2007 - Essential web tools in one place

by cascamorto & 7 others
# CSS # Javascript # Ajax # PHP # Ruby # Flash # CMS # Inspiration

30 January 2007

29 January 2007

27 January 2007

Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More | Smashing Magazine

by bertier & 5 others
Ajax, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, RSS, XML as well as ASP, C , Perl, Python and Java tutorials

Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More | Smashing Magazine

by naudjf & 5 others (via)
Ajax, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, RSS, XML as well as ASP, C , Perl, Python and Java tutorials

26 January 2007

Yahoo! UI Library (YUI)

by khelil & 27 others (via)
Livrairie d'utilitaires d'interface développé par Yahoo.

22 January 2007

Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

by ogrisel & 27 others
CSS-like selectors to register onload javascript behaviors to DOM elements

21 January 2007

11 January 2007

W3schools (eng)

by tiger487
Apprendre les langages du web : XML, XSLT, Javascript, CSS, XHTML, etc...

10 January 2007

09 January 2007

Aptana: Download Other Versions

by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
Aptana is a robust, JavaScript-focused IDE for building dynamic web applications. Highlights include the following features: * Code Assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, including your own JavaScript functions * Outliner that gives a snapshot view of your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code structure * NEW: FTP/SFTP uploading, downloading and synchronization * NEW: JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot your code * Error and warning notification for your code * Support for Aptana UI customization and extensions * Cross-platform support * Free and open source licensed under the Eclipse Public License, v1.0.

08 January 2007

03 January 2007

Découvrer les mashups

by onozendai & 21 others
Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix est une vision expérimentale des Mashup 2.0 (mélange d'applications/services du Web 2.0), proposé par ProgrammableWeb. Vous pourrez ainsi croiser les différents services et découvrir d'autres services. Une présentation bien agréable...

01 January 2007

25 December 2006

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby… | Smashing Magazine

by springnet & 26 others
Whether you’ve forgotten the name of a function or the property of a cascading style sheet - handy cheat sheets deliver the information you are looking for - immediately. Most cheat sheets are available as .pdf or .png-files, so you can print them and u

20 December 2006

Christophe Porteneuve (INSIA) : "Le couple JavaScript/Ajax est une alternative souvent viable à ActionScript"

by astrochoupe & 3 others
Réflexion sur le Web2. Avec plein de liens vers des outils et du code existants. Les bonnes pratiques pour coder sur le Web Le secret, c'est d'adopter une approche "progressive enhancement" [ndlr amélioration progressive], comme l'appelle Jeremy Keith, en gros, du bottom-up [ndlr de bas en haut] : on commence par une page XHTML Strict sémantique sans aucun style, histoire d'assurer un bon contenu et une bonne accessibilité sans CSS, ou avec des lecteurs d'écran, etc. On ajoute les styles correctement. On gère toute l'interaction client/serveur sans aucun AJAX. On ajoute le JS en "unobstrusive" [ndlr non obstrusif]... Et enfin, on redirige les envois GET/POST usuels vers de l'AJAX quand c'est pertinent, toujours en "unobstrusive". Mon bouquin parle longuement de toutes ces pratiques, dans les chapitres idoines (2 pour JS, 3 pour les événements et le DOM, 6/7 pour AJAX, les effets visuels, le glisser/déplacer, l'ergonomie, etc)..

18 December 2006

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby… | Smashing Magazine

by jlemoine & 26 others
Whether you’ve forgotten the name of a function or the property of a cascading style sheet - handy cheat sheets deliver the information you are looking for - immediately. Most cheat sheets are available as .pdf or .png-files, so you can print them and u

16 December 2006

Scripts and programs

by manilodisan1 & 2 others is a directory that offers a wide selection of scripts, programs and any kind of web development tools.