public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag copyright

June 2007

Why does the fashion industry thrive in spite of rampant IP "piracy"?

by alexnihilo
Le téléchargement n'est pas du vol (le propriétaire initial conserve son bien et ses droits). Pour la haute couture, la copie est un grand facteur de succès...


by Blog-you (via)

Joe La Pompe

by kooolman & 9 others (via)
Non, Joe n'est pas un concurrent à Rocco Sifredi. Joe répertorie tous les plagiats de la publicité. Une horreur pour tout publicitaire !

May 2007

Audible Magic

by cyberien
Protecting Creative Works Audible Magic provides registration services to owners of music. Registering your creative works in Audible Magic’s database will reduce chances for your works to be pirated over P2P networks or volume duplicated to media like CDs. Audible Magic’s patented media fingerprinting process provides the means to identify registered works. You supply copies of your audio content along with ownership and release information. Then your works will be fingerprinted and registered in Audible Magic’s rapidly growing database. Audible Magic’s database provides the basis for multiple anti-piracy services. Our customers include individual producers of media content, major and independent music industry labels, artist rights groups, royalty tracking organizations, new artist discovery organizations and disk replication companies worldwide. In the music industry, Audible Magic maintains one of the world’s largest databases of electronic fingerprints and copyright owner information, representing over 6 million sound recordings.

body.jpg (image)

by greut (via)
Thank god for the copyright on De Vinci's work!

April 2007


by Blog-you (via)


by Blog-you (via)
引文:一直以來,政府的諮詢工作都靜稍稍地做,而且關卡甚多,填少了一個身份證又不算數,只會主動邀請一些友好企業與團體給意見;所以,我們發起,一人一表的行動,希望大家下載以下表格(doc),填好後電郵([email protected])或傳真(852-28694420)給工商科技局,並把副本電郵或 cc 給我們,我們將會於諮詢期完結前,把所有的意見交到該部門,即時要求點算和回條收據.詳細安排會再公佈.

Copyright Royalty Board wants Latch Music Radio to go away.

by LatchMusic (via)
The judges of the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) having reviewed several submissions from a number of parties have now DENIED ALL MOTIONS for ANY rehearings to address the concerns of Internet radio webcasters. I believe music that is under-represented by corporate radio needs the Internet to survive. Without online broadcasters, corporate radio will turn our society into musical lemmings. It may be the end of the Latch Music Radio Station.

The Local - Council logo may infringe copyright

by pmdm
"Council logo may infringe copyright " (sic). Il s'agit en fait d'un problème lié au slogan.