21 June 2011
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga
by alamat (via)The Dark Phoenix Saga by Chris Claremont and John Byrne was simply the best comic book story I have ever read. While this trade paperback contains most of it, the story really ran for about 25 issues *before* the issues in the TPB.
22 May 2011
Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga Epic, Book 1
by alamat (via)I look back on the Clone Saga with a mixture of frustration and nostalgia. These were my prime comic reading days…and some parts of the story were good. So when I heard that a series of volumes would finally collect this massive plotline within several books, I was pretty excited.
24 April 2011
Blackest Night hardcovers list
by alamat (via)DC Comics will release a couple Blackest Night hardcovers every week for the next three weeks. Here’s the tentative schedule:
(3 marks)