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PUBLIC MARKS with tags code & java



Scout toujours !

by astrochoupe
La fameuse règle des boy-scouts (« The Boy Scout Rule ») qui se résume en une phrase : « Toujours laisser un endroit dans un état meilleur que celui où vous l’avez trouvé ». : mise en pratique



Les nouveautés du langage dans Java 7 - OCTO talks !

by kasi77
La nouvelle version de Java 7 est en cours de préparation. Malgré le retard et les incertitudes sur le contenu, nous considérons que Java 7 constitue une opportunité intéressante pour le langage. Après un premier article consacré aux nouvelles librairies proposées pour Java 7, ce second article introductif vous propose de découvrir les nouvelles fonctionnalités du langage et de la JVM. Là encore, en cas de doute sur le contenu de la version finale, nous préciserons les réserves concernant une librairie ou une syntaxe en indiquant si l'exemple de code proposé compilait avec la version de prévisualisation 1.7.0-ea-b37.

the-cassandra-project - Google Code

by greut & 1 other (via)

Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managing structured data while providing reliability at a massive scale.

seems to be an alternative to scalaris (in Java too although)

Is symfony 1.1 too verbose?

by kasi77 & 3 others
Among the remarks have about symfony 1.1, the most recurring one is the shift of philosophy between the 1.0 and 1.1 syntax. If symfony 1.0 syntax was made to write code fast, I believe it is not the case anymore with symfony 1.1, which is designed primarily for extensibility. The result is that a symfony 1.1 application looks a lot more like a Java program. I tend to agree that Object-Orientation is a good thing because it forces you to organize your code in a modular way. But when object-orientation makes you need to keep a symfony book aside at all times and multiply the number of LOC by two, I think it's a dead end.

Sniffing refactoring needs

by kasi77 & 2 others (via)
While still messing around with the PHP_CodeSniffer Pear package, I took a somehow jealous 1000 feet look at some prominent code inspection tools of the Java community: PMD and Checkstyle. Browsing their available rule sets/checks I soon recognized that guaranteeing the coding standard adherence is just a partial aspect of these tools. The following post will focus on one of these additional aspects, which is finding problems related to the code size of the inspected code artifacts, by showing how to port two selected rules to sniffs for utilization with the PHP_CodeSniffer tool. These ported sniffs can be used to automatically spot obvious code smells in the code base and to signal the need to apply the appropriate and odour reducing activity known as refactoring. Further more a complete set of code size sniffs, going beyond the trageted realm of the sniffs to come, could be used to speed up the feedback loop and to reduce the effort for manual code reviews.


SQL Formatter / SQLFormatter formats SQL Statements

by ycc2106 & 2 others
Automatic java SQL code formatter for all major databases (ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2 / UDB, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL, MySQL etc) with many formatting options.

Introducing the Java Content Repository API

by holyver (via)
There are several approaches that I could take when discussing the JCR. In this article, I examine the features offered by the JSR-170 specification from a developer's perspective, focusing on the available API and the interfaces that allow a programmer to efficiently use the JSR-170 repository in designing a content application. As an artificial example, I'll implement a trivial back end for a Wikipedia-like encyclopedia system, called JCRWiki, with support for binary content, versioning, backup, and search. I use Apache Jackrabbit, an open source implementation of JSR-170, to develop this application.

99 Bottles of Beer | Start

by sdaclin
Déclinaison du même programme en plus de 1000 langages.

Hello world - Wikipédia

by sdaclin & 1 other
Déclinaison du fameux Hello World connu de tous les informaticiens en divers langages de programmation.

The Java Turorials

by Bastien & 10 others
The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails".


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