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PUBLIC MARKS with tags code & html

February 2009

evserver - Google Code

by greut

EvServer is a lightweight http server, created especially to host python WSGI applications. Additionally, it supports little known Asynchronous WSGI extension, which was suggested by Christopher Stawarz. Using this extension it's possible to create an output html response in many data chunks, without blocking the main server process while your application waits for external resources.

Comet the WSGI way.

December 2008

CSS Text Wrapper

by camel
The CSS Text Wrapper allows you to easily make HTML text wrap in shapes other than just a rectangle. You can make text wrap around curves, zig-zags, or whatever you want. All you have to do is draw the left and right edges below and then copy the generated code to your website

November 2008

Drawter, l'éditeur de code HTML, XHTML et CSS en ligne pour réaliser des maquettes complexes en WYSYWYG

by camel (via)
Drawter : dessinez, c’est intégré ! (WYSYWYG Powa!) Drawter est un générateur de code HTML et CSS en ligne qui vous permet de dessiner votre mise en page dans un canevas. Vous pouvez choisir les options de votre page comme le titre, le doctype, la langue du document, les balises que vous souhaitez pour chaque bloc présent à l’écran et pour chacune d’entre elles les propriétés et les attributs. Une fois votre maquette terminée, vous choisissez le mode de placement pour vos blocs : float: left ou position: absolute. Le site autorise les imbrications de balises pour réaliser des mises en page complexes dans une interface réactive et intuitive. N’hésitez pas à parcourir toutes les options disponibles dans les palettes d’options et amusez-vous :) Drawter : dessinez, c’est gagné ? A tester !

htmlwrapper - Google Code

by camel & 2 others (via)
Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile. Wrappers strives to answer the most common problems web designers face without forcing them to learn too many new things. Most web sites can be created in HTML or CSS, then when you need to extend Wrapper's capabilities you can either use JSON to call functions within ActionScript or you can load compiled plug-ins. Wrapper also has built in methods within CSS to load custom fonts, display elements as any shape, and fill them with linear or radial gradient background colors. ActionScript's event model is also implemented within Wrapper's HTML. Wrapper's best features are the ones that you get for free because of how it is set up. It's like getting all the great features of the Flash Player without needing to deal with compiling and being able to create your content the same way any HTML page would be created. Wrapper is fully accessible to the search engines and integrates well with any back-end technology. Wrapper is currently released as a fully functional open source beta for Flash Player 9. Wrapper is set up as a pre-compiled plug-in but can easily be integrated into any Flex or AIR applications or even as an ActionScript framework for creation of compiled projects.

obtrusivejavascriptchecker - Google Code

by greut & 1 other

Goes through all the HTML code in a web page, and outlines any HTML element with inline events with a red border.

nifty idea (via codepo8)

October 2008

ID Selector

by camel & 1 other
ID Selector: Quick Guide It's all about getting users signed into your website as quickly and efficiently as possible. It achieves this by providing a simple, consistent, provider neutral interface, and by educating the user about OpenID during the sign in process. In short, it makes OpenID easier for the end user and benefits both the relying parties and OpenID providers. What is the Selector? It's a widget that you add to the existing OpenID login form on your website. You embed a snippet of javascript code into your page, and it writes in an HTML button tag styled to match your CSS.

Speeqe – Trac

by camel
Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol. It is chat made simple. The goal is to give the user the best and easiest experience in creating chat rooms. It is a combination of javascript and python code using a collection of open source software and software tools. This collection is nginx or apache for a frontend. The frontend serves the webclient which is javascript using Strophe and JQuery. It also proxies to Punjab for the BOSH connection to connect to XMPP based servers. To tie it all together there is a small amount of django. Features ¶ HTML/javascript client Themable (all UI is in one html file) Inline images. Inline youtube videos. Kick,ban,unban support. Room configuration. DNS named rooms (ie will go to the room speeqers@…) Ability to connect to federated XMPP servers and chat rooms.

September 2008

Transformer le code html d’un objet flash en code XHTML valide W3C | Korben

by damdec
Damdec, fidèle lecteur de s’est lancé dans la réalisation d’un laboratoire web (comprenez un site web :-)) dans lequel il règle de façon concrète certains problèmes techniques.

August 2008

IE WebDeveloper - DOM Inspector, Script Console, Logging messages and HTTP Monitor

by camel
IE WebDeveloper is an add-on for Microsoft Internet Explorer. The rich web debugging toolset allows you to inspect and edit the live HTML DOM and current cascaded styles, evaluate expressions and display error messages, log messages, explore source code of webpage and monitor DHTML Event and HTTP Traffic. FancyZoom 1.1

by pyros & 12 others (via)
Requires only two new lines of code in your HTML

May 2008

Welcome - doctype - Google Code

by damdec & 4 others
Google à mis en ligne il y a quelques jours une ressource intéressante: DocType, la documentation complète DOM / HTML et CSS La documentation est très complète et ajoute aussi quelques articles fort intéressants sur les bonnes pratiques du HTML, des trucs et astuces, etc…

NETTUTS - Web development tutorials and links - Spoonfed Web Tutorials

by springnet & 3 others
NETTUTS is a blog/tutorial site aimed at web designers. We run tutorials on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. We cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, Simpler Development Examples in PHP and Ruby on Rails, a

April 2008

Les petits bouts de code à NiKo

by kasi77
Parfois, on a besoin d'inclure une vidéo QuickTime (.MOV) dans une page XHTML

February 2008

January 2008

Snipplr - Code 2.0

by julie & 20 others
Snipplr is a public source code repository that gives you a place to store and organize all the little pieces of code that you use each day. Best of all, it lets you share your code snippets with other coders and designers. Did we mention it works with TextMate, too? It's code 2.0.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag code

ressources +   VR +   webdesign +