public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag climat





Planet Under Pressure

by verane
Planet Under Pressure: a new climate security agenda. Larger and richer populations are increasing the pressure on natural resources, further exacerbated by the immediate problem of a changing climate, with serious impacts on water, energy, and food security. The close interdependencies between water, energy and food are multiplying these threats in diverse countries and regions demonstrating that climate security will be an issue for all. An integrated 'nexus approach' is helping decision-makers to manage shared resources and achieve truly sustainable development.



Climate Reality

by gregg
The Climate Reality Project, founded and chaired by former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, is dedicated to unleashing a global cultural movement demanding action on the climate crisis. Despite overwhelming international scientific consensus on climate change, the global community still lacks the resolve to implement meaningful solutions


Climate Wisconsin

by gregg
With 10 videos, two interactives, teaching tips, background material and more, this site is a wealth of information and inspiration.


Homère dans la Baltique

by runen
Ce texte constitue l’introduction du livre de Felice Vinci, Omero nel Baltico [Homère dans la Baltique].


Climate Change Deniers vs The Consensus

by marco
[...] I wanted to simulate what it’s like for people trying to learn about climate change online. My conclusion is “what a nightmare”. I was generally shocked and appalled by how difficult it was to source counter arguments.

Droit de réponse de Stéphane Foucart (Le Monde)

by marco
Ce débat concerne la possible atténuation temporaire, par des cycles climatiques naturels, du réchauffement provoqué par l’homme. Il n’est pas, comme voudraient le faire croire certains lobbies et certains blogueurs (hélas relayés par certains journaux), une remise en cause du caractère anthropique des changements climatiques en cours, ni une remise en cause de la magnitude de leurs effets à l’horizon de la fin du siècle.

Frontpage - Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Changement Climatique COP15 Copenhague

by fabifab
A quelles conséquences pouvons-nous nous attendre, et que pouvons-nous faire? Prévoir les conséquences du réchauffement climatique est l’une des tâches les plus ardues auxquelles sont confrontés les chercheurs du monde entier travaillant sur le climat. Lire la suite