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24 February 2010

23 February 2010

Guide stylistique — Exemple de charte graphique et éditoriale

by nhoizey
"La mise en place d’une charte graphique et éditoriale est assez chronophage, c’est pourquoi elle est souvent réservée aux projets importants. Mais sa rédaction tout au long de la phase de conception peut s’avérer une aide précieuse pour éviter la dispersion et formaliser les choix créatifs au fur et à mesure de leur cristallisation."

19 February 2010

Best practices performance – does it matter? | Speeding Up Website: all about web performance

by nhoizey
"There is no valid reason to integrate to your website extreme performance best practices. You can just apply some basics and advanced techniques, and stop with this."

04 February 2010

Dynamic Dummy Image Generator -

by nhoizey & 4 others
"This is a simple tool for generating dummy/filler images on the fly at whatever size you want."

29 January 2010

Should You Use JavaScript Library CDNs? « Lickity Split

by nhoizey
"JavaScript Library CDNs use the network effect. Our survey of the Alexa 2000 shows that right now there are too few people in the network to get any value. Only Google’s AJAX Library API has anywhere near the penetration to provide any benefit"

27 January 2010

Boks - A Visual Grid Editor - TOKI WOKI.

by nhoizey
"Boks is an AIR application that provides a User Interface for Blueprint CSS's framework. It's been designed for those who think the Grid System is good but never really took the time to give it love."

26 January 2010


by nhoizey & 2 others
OneFileCMS is just that. It's a flat, light, one file CMS (Content Management System) entirely contained in an easy-to-implement, highly customizable, database-less PHP script.

22 January 2010

Try our new HTML5 player! on Vimeo Staff Blog

by nhoizey & 1 other
"The simple fact is right now h264 allows us the most flexibility to display on many devices and many players with the same file. When that changes, so will we."

21 January 2010

by nhoizey & 8 others
"jParallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way."

19 January 2010

15 January 2010

CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS

by nhoizey
For a project I am working on right now I needed to have really fast bar charts that don't need any plugins or rely heavily on JavaScript. This is why I've put together some bar charts in pure CSS.

13 January 2010

11 January 2010


by nhoizey & 3 others
Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers.


by claire_ & 2 others
CodePad permet de tester une fonction, une ligne de commande ou tout simplement un bout de code dans différents langages ( C C++ D Haskell Lua Ocaml PHP Perl Python Ruby Scheme Tcl )

provide-html5.js at master from sunny's provide-html5 - GitHub

by nhoizey
"Attempt to make a drop-and-forget bunch of scripts that mimick some missing html5 goodies automatically"

08 January 2010

The Paciello Group Blog » alt and title content display in popular browsers

by nhoizey
"testing what is displayed with differing combinations of the alt and title attributes on images in IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari."

06 January 2010

04 January 2010

Mo’ Bulletproofer @Font-Face CSS Syntax

by nhoizey
"After careful consideration, research, and discussion – I strongly recommend that you don’t use local() at all"

Grails en quelques mots (Le Touilleur Express)

by nhoizey
« nous, développeurs Javas, devons nous remettre en question d’urgence. En voyant des projets sur PHP ou Ruby on Rails, j’ai un peu la gueule de bois avec mon Java. Je pense que pour le développement d’applications Webs, il faut revoir notre manière de penser, notre manière de travailler »

30 December 2009

Carrer Blog: CSS Specificity Coding Method

by nhoizey
if I order my CSS by their Specificity the search should be very easy, I should start from the bottom to the top