public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags clevermarks & ressource


Let's make the web faster - Google Code

by nhoizey
"Here are some statistics about the size, number of resources and other such metrics of pages on the world wide web. These are collected from a sample of several billions of pages that are processed as part of Google's crawl and indexing pipeline."


Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Flash indexing with external resource loading

by nhoizey & 1 other
We just added external resource loading to our Flash indexing capabilities. This means that when a SWF file loads content from some other file—whether it's text, HTML, XML, another SWF, etc.—we can index this external content too, and associate it with the parent SWF file and any documents that embed it.

2007 Auto Project Planner

by nhoizey (via)
The tool automatically calculates a time plan/project plan based on effort estimations and expected end dates. Tasks ( a max. perc.-rate) can be assigned to one or more resources. Vacations and weekly work hours are considered. v0.4: GanttProject Export

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag clevermarks

image +   javascript +   librairie +   modification +   traitement +  

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last mark : 22/09/2010 11:02