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PUBLIC MARKS with tags clevermarks & google


noop - Project Hosting on Google Code

by claire_ & 1 other
Noop (pronounced noh-awp, like the machine instruction) is a new language experiment that attempts to blend the best lessons of languages old and new, while syntactically encouraging what we believe to be good coding practices and discouraging the worst offenses. Noop is initially targeted to run on the Java Virtual Machine.

Published docs will be crawlable soon - Google Docs Help

by claire_
In about two weeks we will be launching a change for published docs. The change will allow published docs that are linked to from a public website to be crawled and indexed, which means they can appear in search results you see on and other search engines.

Web Performance Best Practices

by nhoizey & 1 other
When you profile a web page with Page Speed, it evaluates the page's conformance to a number of different rules. These rules are general front-end best practices you can apply at any stage of web development. We provide documentation of each of the rules here

How to create a multi field widget with sfForm - Thomas Rabaix

by claire_
Tis article will explain how to create a "Google Map Address" widget.

What Would Google Do? « BuzzMachine

by claire_
The idea: I try to reverse-engineer the success of the fastest growing company in the history of the world, the one company that truly understands how to succeed in the internet age, and then take those lessons and apply them to a number of industries, companies, and institutions, from carmakers to restaurants to universities to government.

Google lâche une bombe atomique sur Microsoft: Chrome OS

by nhoizey
« Les rumeurs couraient depuis un certain temps…cela vient de se confirmer et ça va faire du bruit: Google lancera à la mi 2010 son propre système d’exploitation Google Chrome OS. »

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Flash indexing with external resource loading

by nhoizey & 1 other
We just added external resource loading to our Flash indexing capabilities. This means that when a SWF file loads content from some other file—whether it's text, HTML, XML, another SWF, etc.—we can index this external content too, and associate it with the parent SWF file and any documents that embed it.

google-friend-connect-plugins - Google Code

by holyver
Google Friend Connect provides simple user authentication using any OpenID account, including Google, Yahoo and AIM. Instead of filling in yet another profile form, your users can connect to their existing identities, showing current profile pictures. By making login easier and connected to existing identity, you'll see increased engagement and comment activity. The Google Friend Connect plugins are proof-of-concept code to integrate users with external accounts into your site. A user can visit your site and leave a comment with a Google Account, Yahoo Account, any OpenID, or in future other sites that participate in OpenSocial. See separate instructions for the WordPressPlugin, DrupalPlugin and PhpbbPlugin

Google I/O - OpenSocial in the Enterprise

by holyver (via)
In the year and half since OpenSocial's public launch, there are now over 700 million end users of OpenSocial applications across numerous social sites (containers) around the world. With OpenSocial's proven global success in traditional social applications, the enterprise software community has now begun to realize its potential and build innovative solutions that cater to the enterprise. Join us for a session centered on how the enterprise software development community is successfully bringing social concepts and technology into the enterprise. Key enterprise players will present and demonstrate how they've successfully used OpenSocial software to build new social solutions.

Google Squared

by claire_ & 1 other
Google Squared is a search tool that helps you quickly build a collection of facts from the Web for any topic you specify. * Facts about your topic are organized as a table of items and attributes (we call them "Squares" for fun). * Customize these Squares to see just the items and attributes you're interested in. * See the websites that served as sources for the information in your Square. * Save and share Squares with others.

Google Wave Preview

by claire_ & 4 others
Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave.

Google Wave : Plateforme de communication centralisée

by holyver & 2 others (via)
Aujourd'hui à la conférence Google I/O (celle ou les participants se sont vu offrir un téléphone HTC Magic, aussi nommé Google Ion, gratuitement), une annonce de Google n'est pas passée inaperçue. Google veut avec Wave (vague en anglais) révolutionner la façon dont on communique sur le net. L'ambition est immense, le projet également, mais l'enthousiasme généré par les développeurs suite à cette annonce donne de grand espoirs. Plus une communauté est active sur un projet, plus celui-ci peut réussir. Google a testé cet effet avec Android, et veut maintenant reproduire le schéma.

Google va pénaliser les sites ayant des temps de chargement trop long

by nhoizey
Enfin quelque chose qui va permettre de justifier plus facilement de passer du temps sur l'optimisation des sites Web !


Google Code Blog: How we improved performance on Google Code

by nhoizey
If you're a frequent visitor to for product updates and reference materials for Google APIs you're working with, you might have noticed that the page loading time (or page rendering time depending on how you see it) has reduced in varying


Google Code FAQ - GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline

by nhoizey
By using Google Gears with the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin, you can inject Gears code into any website that you want. Don't wait for your favorite website to enable offline support -- do it yourself.

jQMaps by SeViR

by nhoizey & 1 other
jQMaps est un plugin jQuery permettant d'ajouter très facilement des cartes Google Maps avec différents points d'intérêt


by nhoizey
La chaîne YouTube des sessions de présentation des Google Developer Days, pour tout savoir sur les API et mashups possibles avec les outils Google

Yahoo! Widgets - Blog

by nhoizey & 3 others
The world of Widgets has changed a lot since Konfabulator came along back in 2003, when it was the only option of its kind for developers. Since then, similar offerings have emerged from several places, including Apple, and tomorrow, Microsoft as part of Vista. It has grown to such a point that Newsweek is proclaiming 2007 as the Year of the Widget.


·» Web Analytics Embedded JavaScript Page Tracking Code: Place at the top or bottom of the page? - Antezeta

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
Web Analytics system vendors provide instructions specifying where to place the JavaScript code in a site's html pages. Usually the tracking code is placed in the page heading section (<head>), or at the page bottom, right before the body closing tag, </body>.

2005 - Horde and PHP consulting and development

by nhoizey (via)
Four proposals from students have been selected by Google for their Summer of Code program to be sponsored within the Horde Project

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag clevermarks

adsense +   ajax +   api +   apple +   body +   browser +   cache +   css +   dev +   durée +   gears +   google +   googledocs +   gp:links +   greasemonkey +   groupe:clever-age +   head +   http +   java +   javascript +   jvm +   language +   map +   mashup +   microsoft +   offline +   OpenSocial +   opensource +   optimisation +   page +   patterns +   performance +   persistance +   plugin +   programming +   pub +   site +   sprite +   statistiques +   summer of code +   téléchargement +   tools +   top +   video +   vitesse +   web +   web2.0 +   webdev +   widget +   wikipedia +