May 2006
April 2006
The Impact of Emerging Technologies: Web 2.0's Startup Fever - Technology Review
by vista (via)This explosion of new Web sites -- a phenomenon often dubbed "Web 2.0" -- is great for all kinds of Internet users. But how long can this new crop of startups survive without charging for their products?
The answer, in some cases, may be not long. Simply put, many of these outfits, much like their dot-com predecessors in the late 1990s, don't have business models. The most common revenue source in the Web 2.0 world is contextual advertising -- but, as some analysts point out, the nickels and dimes earned when visitors click on ads provided by the likes of Google's AdWords barely bring in enough to cover the costs of Web server hardware. Consequently, some industry watchers believe that a shakeout is likely within the next 12 to 24 months.
Business Models on the Web | Professor Michael Rappa
by vista & 3 othersBusiness models are perhaps the most discussed and least understood aspect of the web. There is so much talk about how the web changes traditional business models. But there is little clear-cut evidence of exactly what this means.
In the most basic sense, a business model is the method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself -- that is, generate revenue. The business model spells-out how a company makes money by specifying where it is positioned in the value chain.
Growing a Business Website: Fix the Basics First (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
by micah (via)Clear content, simple navigation, and answers to customer questions have the biggest impact on business value. Advanced technology matters much less.
March 2006
900+ Web 2.0 Sites in 50+ categories : Categorized Lists : eConsultant
by eConsultant & 67 othersCategorized into : Blogging Bookmarking Browsing Business Calendars Cataloging Chat Collaboration Community Cooperative Distribution Designing eCommerce Email Employment Events Filtering Financial Frameworks Games Geotracking Grassroots Humor Invitations Local Mapping Mashups Messaging Mobile Music Networking Non-profits Note Taking Office Peer Photographs Podcasts Polls Programming Project Management Publishing RSS Search Start Pages Storage Streaming Tech Support To-Do Travel Vblogging Videos Web analytics Wi-Fi Wiki
February 2006
Zoli's Blog
by mingscRandom thoughts on Business, Startups, Technology, Software, Open Source, Collaboration, Politics.