public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag bush

July 2005

The Smirking Chimp

by mikepower
Daniel Ellsberg: 'I wrote Bush's war words — in 1965'

June 2005

Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | The tipping point

by multilinko (via)
You can keep spinning just so long before you fall flat on your face. The administration's insistence that things are on track and all it must do is stay the course is beginning to grate. US efforts to reshape the world through a policy of pre-emption have been buttressed by an attempt to remould reality through the power of assertion. Since Vice-President Dick Cheney claimed that the insurgency was "in its last throes" 77 American soldiers and about 600 Iraqi civilians have died. His tortured explanation, late last week, that "if you look at what the dictionary says about throes, it can still be a violent period", adds insult to injury.

Last throes of credibility

by multilinko (via)
WHAT Americans needed to hear from President Bush were more clearly defined goals and an exit strategy for what increasingly appears to be a quagmire in Iraq. What they received last night was a pep talk and more ambiguity.

ABC News: The President's Speech on Iraq: Truth vs. Spin

by multilinko
Key parts of his speech, however, were driven by spin, rather than a frank effort to warn the American people of the sacrifices necessary to win and the risks involved. The end result was to mislead in ways that could come back to haunt the administration and reduce longer-term public support.

Joe Conason at Karl Rove is a liar and a scoundrel. He is not a patriot but a pure partisan, as his own record proved long before now.

by mikepower
In attacking liberals' reaction to Sept. 11, Bush's senior advisor once again resorts to McCarthy-style tactics.

The New Republic Online: Term Limits by Ryan Lizza

by mikepower
It's not President Bush's fault that he has failed on all of his major second-term initiatives.

May 2005

Cats hate Bush

by maali
Des chats qui n'aiment pas Bush… Voir aussi

April 2005

Le votergate

by patate
politique-(fiction ?) une source développée sur le problème des machines à voter et du fonctionnement démocratique aux USA.

March 2005

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots: Democratic Underground

by mikepower
Yet another list from DU. Well they're spoilt for choice aren't they?

February 2005

Never Forget: Internets Vets for Truth

by sbrothier & 1 other
The Internets Veterans For Truth are a group of long-time bloggers, designers, and techies who decided (in slackerly fashion, around the end of last week) that some of the clips that've been floating around online needed to be seen by everybody.

zete_tic: Bush / Kerry

by alexandre & 1 other (via)
Bonnet blanc et bonnet blanc ?

Sorry Everybody

by sbrothier & 7 others
Some of us %u2014 hopefully most of us %u2014 are trying to understand and appreciate the effect our recent election will have on you, the citizens of the rest of the world. As our so-called leaders redouble their efforts to screw you over, please remember that some of us %u2014 hopefully most of us %u2014 are truly, truly sorry. And we'll say we're sorry, even on the behalf of the ones who aren't.

January 2005

dis tout à W

by smokie
Phone In. Build The Flag. Tell Bush. 800.734.1463

November 2004


by sbrothier
Bushgame is getting some great press! Bushgame may be mentioned on the front page of the New York Times technology section on July 1st in an article about video games and politics. There is supposed to be an interview with WIRED coming out some time in the late summer/fall. Also, rumor has it that bushgame is being mentioned on MTV. If anyone else sees the game out there let me know!

October 2004

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