public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags bookmarks & social

12 June 2006

06 June 2006

05 June 2006

04 June 2006

veotag :.. home

by ycc2106
veotag is an exciting new service that lets you display clickable text, called "veotags," within an audio or video file. You can even veotag other people's audio and video you find on the web!

02 June 2006

29 May 2006

Code Snippets: Store, sort and share source code, with tag goodness

by ycc2106 & 48 others
Snippets is a public source code repository. Easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags / keywords, and share them with the world

Netvouz blog: Bookmark spam attack

by ycc2106
Today a user signed up and imported 9000 bookmarks. Normally I don't go crazy about that, but when I saw that all 9000 bookmarks all pointed to various locations on the same web site I took a closer look. And, yes, this was a bookmark spam attempt. Needle

28 May 2006

27 May 2006

26 May 2006 - digg / slashdot / popular

by slogoo & 44 others
Digg, slashdot, 和 ,几乎成为用户固定访问的网站。因此,diggdot.us将这三个网站进行了整合。站点用TurboGears来建设,不再用PHP。

Welcome To Grouper

by slogoo & 25 others
无缝导入,编辑和共享你的视频文件的平台. v2.0的Grouper, 只适用于Windows系统, 要求下载一个客户端, 可以无限量上传图片和视频文件, 任何内容可以被设置成公开, 私密或对特定人群开放. 内容发布 The social wish list repository

by slogoo & 7 others
* 将散落在不同网站的你想做的事情和想实现的心愿收集在一起, 统一存储在该网站; * 将这些事情以tag进行分组归类; * 将这些分组归类的愿望与家人, 朋友甚至陌生人分享.

Yoono, People Powered

by slogoo & 24 others
Yoono是一个协作搜索, 共享和交换信息的工具. 它把网络上已经存在的如社会性书签功能, 搜索功能, RSS功能等整合在一个站点之中. 该站在社会性书签和搜索功能中没有使用代表web2.0主要特征的t

Diigo - social annotation and social bookmarking

by slogoo & 44 others
Diigo意为" Digest of Internet Information, Groups and other stuff", 有一个社会性书签网站, 可以允许用户高亮显示多个内容区, 该网站有不少新的功能.

:: BuddyMarks ::

by slogoo & 1 other
BuddyMarks在线书签管理, 可设置私密或共享

25 May 2006

24 May 2006

Welcome to Dabble!

by slogoo
Dabble视频托管服务, 它整合了这一领域里常用的一些工具, 使用了标准的书签工具, 如tagging, 评论等. Dabble的重点放在器共享功能上. 用户可以很方便地拖放某一视频文件给任何朋友, 并加以收藏. D